Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1365 Who Bullied You

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Xiao Nuo! It's really you!" Ning Xi was stunned, seeing the young man in such a mess, she didn't have time to think about it, she hurriedly took off her coat and wrapped it tightly around the young man, "Hurry up Get in the car and talk!"

Ning Xi hurriedly urged while taking the things from the boy's hand and putting them in the trunk.

The young man stood awkwardly outside the luxury car door, "Sister... I'm dirty..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Are you dumbfounded by the rain!" Ning Xi angrily pushed the boy inside.

The BMW galloped away with the beauties and the teenagers...

Behind him, the owner of the small shop was still bewildered...

Just now he seemed to see a rich and beautiful woman carrying a beggar away suddenly?

That big beauty looks like a big star...

In the car, Ning Xi turned on the heater, handed the boy a towel, and said with an ugly face, "Wipe it off quickly! What's wrong with you! Don't you know that you are not in good health? You don't know how to hide when it's raining? How could it be so sudden?" Come to the imperial capital? Why didn’t you tell me when you came? Don’t you have my mobile phone number and new address..."

Listening to the naughty thoughts chattering in his ear, the boy couldn't bear it any longer, and tears fell down the back of his hands with a thud.

Ning Xi became anxious when she saw it, "Why are you crying? What happened? Who bullied you! Tell my sister!"

Tang Nuo shook his head, wiped away his tears hastily, and looked a little embarrassed, "No, it's just that I haven't seen my sister for a long time, and I'm crying with joy!"

"You kid!" Ning Xi couldn't laugh or cry, but she was keenly aware that something was wrong with Tang Nuo's state, and she was going to ask after she got back.

Half an hour later, Ning Xi brought Tang Nuo back to the villa.

Looking at the luxurious residence in front of him, Tang Nuo's eyes were filled with amazement, "Sister, you are so amazing, so it is true that you said you moved to a big house..."

"Nonsense, can I still lie to you? I've already said that my sister is hot now! Don't you watch TV? Well, let's talk later, you go and take a hot bath first!" Ning Xi found him a suit. The men's clothes were stuffed to him, pushed him into the bathtub, and told him how to use the bathroom in detail.

After Tang Nuo went in, Ning Xi sat on the sofa in the living room, her mind was filled with images of Tang Nuo's embarrassment just now, and her eyes were filled with dark clouds...

Since childhood, she has had the best relationship with Tang Nuo, her younger brother. Although she is weak and can be bullied, if anyone dares to bully Tang Nuo, she will definitely stand up immediately. How can she endure her younger brother being bullied like this? appearance……

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps heard by her ears, and Tang Nuo came out of the shower, that Ning Xi immediately withdrew her gloomy expression, pulled the boy to sit beside her, and asked seriously, "Tell me, what's going on?" What's going on?"

Tang Nuo immediately said, "'s nothing...I just came to the imperial capital for a holiday...I didn't want to trouble you, so I didn't tell you..."

After all, having been together for eighteen years since childhood, Ning Xi could tell the boy was lying almost immediately, "Did something happen at home?"

The boy tensed up immediately, "No! The house is fine, what can happen!"

Seeing that the boy still didn't let go, Ning Xi deliberately emphasized her tone, "Since you treat me as an outsider and refuse to say anything, then forget it, and I won't force you."

When Tang Nuo heard Ning Xi's words, his eyes turned red with anxiety, "Sister, I didn't!!! I... I was just afraid that you would worry..."

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