Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 137 Luckily it's you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The next second, the girl completely opened her eyes.

The moment the man's figure was reflected in the desperate and clear eyes, he was dazed for a moment, and then a mist of water quickly filled the air, turning into big teardrops, rolling down the eye sockets, one after another, It seems endless...

"Ning Xi..." Lu Tingxiao was completely flustered by the girl's tears, "What's the matter? What's wrong? I'm sorry I'm late...don't cry...I'll take you to the't cry ……"

His heart almost stopped beating.

Ning Xi's eyes were red, and the tears still flowed uncontrollably. She stretched out her hands vigorously, but halfway through the lift, they fell down.

"Want to get up?" Lu Tingxiao immediately leaned over to help her sit up.

Just as she was about to help her get out of bed, the girl's arms suddenly wrapped around his neck, her head was buried tightly on his shoulders, her body trembled from crying, tears soon wetted his clothes, His neck dripped in...

Lu Tingxiao's heart was twisted like a knife, and he stretched out his wide palm and patted her on the back lightly, like touching fragile glass, "Don't be's's okay...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Because of extreme panic and fear, Ning Xi cried for more than ten minutes before stopping, and then hiccupped repeatedly.

Lu Tingxiao tirelessly helped her breathe, because he was afraid of alarming her, so he froze and did not dare to move.

After a while, Ning Xi finally calmed down, and whispered in his ear with a hoarse voice that was soft and helpless like never before, "It's a good thing it's you..."

Fortunately, it was you, she said.

These four words hit his heart heavily, echoing loudly.

At some point, maybe even she didn't realize that his girl had already trusted him so much.

Ning Xi forced a wry smile, and said intermittently, "Lu Tingxiao, you don't know how bad my day is... Before I saw you... I already doubted life, and I almost despaired of this world... ..."

She thought she was indestructible, she thought that nothing could bring her down, but when what happened that night five years ago was about to happen again, she couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed.

She had thought about it before, even if Zhu Xiangcheng didn't use it for himself, he must have given it to someone else. Things of a kind gather people into groups, and those who mix with Zhu Xiangcheng must be more disgusting men.

At this moment, she was extremely glad that her guess was wrong. She never thought that the person Zhu Xiangcheng wanted to please was actually Lu Tingxiao.

A murderous intent flashed across Lu Tingxiao's eyes, but his tone was very soft when he spoke, "I'm sorry, I got you into trouble. I wanted to save you that night, but Zhu Xiangcheng misunderstood him. I didn't expect him to do something like that." This kind of thing."

"How can I blame you, you are here to help me." Ning Xi realized that she was still lying on top of him after she finished speaking, she tried her best to straighten up, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry I made your clothes dirty."

The girl knelt there with tears all over her face. After losing the cover of the petals, the thin layer of clothing was as if she hadn't worn it, and it couldn't block anything.

Lu Tingxiao coughed lightly, avoiding his eyes, "It's fine."

Ning Xi shook when she straightened up, Lu Tingxiao hurriedly supported her, "Are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital!"

Ning Xi blushed and shook her head, "It's useless to go to the hospital for this kind of medicine! Well, that... Lu Tingxiao, can I ask you something?"

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