Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1382 Late Night Call

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

It was late at night, in the Platinum Emperor's Palace.

Because of the mental pressure that had been coming over the past few days, Ning Xi had been falling asleep since returning from City C until midnight, when she was suddenly awakened by a call from an unfamiliar number.

In order not to wake up the little bun on the bed, Ning Xi walked outside the door and connected the phone, "Hello, who is it?"

"This is Antai Hospital, do you know Miss Ning Tianxin?"


Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat, "Ning Tianxin...she's my cousin, what happened?"

"She was undergoing an abortion operation here. There was an accident during the operation. Now she is bleeding heavily, which cannot be handled by our medical conditions. She needs to be transferred to the hospital immediately. You should quickly notify her family to come here, otherwise she will die here. , we are not responsible!" The person on the other end of the phone reported an address after speaking, and then hung up the phone with a "snap".

Ning Xi stood there dumbfounded, feeling as if she had fallen into a cellar of ice.

"What's wrong?" Lu Tingxiao asked worriedly from behind.

Ning Xi suddenly came back to her senses, and the fingers holding the phone trembled violently, "Lu Tingxiao, something happened to my cousin, I have to go to the hospital immediately!"

"Which hospital?"

"What is it called Antai Hospital? It's on Zhongshan Road in the north of the city..."

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she rushed out without hesitation, wearing pajamas and slippers...

After running wildly, Ning Xi realized that her car hadn't come, and was so anxious that she wanted to go back to look for Lu Tingxiao again.

At this time, a white Bugatti Veyron supercar quickly stopped beside her. Lu Tingxiao lowered the window, "Get in the car."

Ning Xi immediately opened the co-pilot's door and got in, only to see a pair of shoes and a white mask on the car.

"Change your shoes and put on your mask." Lu Tingxiao instructed, and then the white supercar disappeared into the night like lightning.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of a remote alley.

Ning Xi pushed open the car door and immediately ran towards the hospital.

The moment she saw the so-called hospital, Ning Xi's heart sank to the bottom. This is not a hospital, it's just a black clinic!

Why is Sister Tianxin performing surgery here?

When they clearly made an appointment for surgery, they must ask her to go with them!

Is there something wrong with the hospital?

Ning Xi rushed into the hospital with a glimmer of hope, "Where is Ning Tianxin!!!"

The little nurse at the door looked a little unhappy, "Go forward, operating room! Why did you come here! You are almost dying! If this dies here, wouldn't it be a blow to our brand? Hurry up and get rid of it!"

Ning Xi was furious when she heard this, but she didn't have time to argue with this person, so she rushed into the operating room, followed closely by Lu Tingxiao.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Ning Xi's eyes were stung by blood red...

Seeing that the pale and dying girl lying on the operating room was really Ning Tianxin, Ning Xi's mind went blank, and the last hope in her heart was gone...


The sky in the sky was getting brighter, but Ning Xi's heart was getting heavier and heavier.

Until Ning Tianxin was transferred to Ren'ai Hospital, she still couldn't believe that the girl who was being rescued in the operating room with the red light on was Ning Tianxin.

"President Lu, the patient's condition is not very good, I'm afraid you should plan for the worst." The doctor said in a heavy tone, and then quickly returned to the operating room.

He was obviously a good person a few days ago, but now his life may be in danger at any time...

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