Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1404 I will add arsenic to you!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi, who was on the side, heard this, and almost vomited blood from this pious guy's anger!

And that guy actually ran to her with the script in a serious manner.

Ning Xi lowered her voice, her eyes were full of murderous intent, "My surname is Yun! What exactly do you want?"

The man held his chin and looked at her: "Where's my biscuit?"

Ning Xi glared at him, "What will you do before you leave the set!"

The man showed a thoughtful expression when he heard the words, while Ning Xi was anxiously waiting for his reply.

The man pondered for a long time, and finally said, "Well... I like sweeter food, add more sugar!"

"..." Ning Xi exhausted all her rationality to finally restrain her urge to grab his collar and strangle him to death.

I will add arsenic to you!

Looking at Yun Shen and Ning Xi who were not far away, Meng Shiyi suddenly realized something, "This bitch, could she be pretending to be NG on purpose to get close to Brother Yun?"

The assistant on the side approached and echoed, "Probably, but her acting skills don't need to pretend to be anything but! What are you shooting these days? It's even worse than one of your little fingers, Sister Shiyi! I really don't know why the directors who have worked with her are full of praise for her, it's probably because of tricks... I think Mr. Yun seems to have been seduced by that woman..."

Hearing this, Meng Shiyi couldn't bear it any longer, and strode towards the two of them.

In the end, just like before, they were separated by two cold-faced bodyguards before they got close.

"Presumptuous, do you know who I am?" Meng Shiyi glared at the two of them sternly.

The two bodyguards were like humanoid weapons without emotion, without any reaction, they still tightly blocked Meng Shiyi from passing.

"You guys...good...very good!" Meng Shiyi's face showed a hint of sternness, and she turned and left with big strides.


Ten minutes later, filming resumed.

This time, Ning Xi even used the technique of psychological hypnosis that Dr. Smith had taught her, and finally allowed her performance to continue.

It's just a short scene, but it's more tiring than her intense martial arts scene.

However, this tragedy has only just begun...

Soon her sweetheart will also join the group hahaha...

Ning Xi was about to drag her ravaged body home like a dead dog when her cell phone rang.

The caller ID showed Zhuang Rongguang. This kid's number was the one he insisted on depositing last time.

Seeing Zhuang Rongguang's phone call, Ning Xi was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect him to call him, "Hello?"

"Hey, sister Xi! Are you done yet? Come and play!" Zhuang Rongguang's excited voice came from the phone.

"play what?"

"Of course it's shooting! It's still the same place, come quickly! Compare it with me! I've been awesome recently! I feel like I'm going to surpass you hahaha..."

The excited and enthusiastic voice of the young man on the phone made Ning Xi's sad mood a little infected. Thinking that her state of being tossed and tossed during this period is indeed too bad, it is better to relax, so she agreed, "Young man, Since you want to be abused, then I will satisfy you! Wait! I'll be here soon!"


At the same time, Platinum Emperor Palace.

In the study room of Lu Jingli's villa, Lu Jingli was dizzily analyzing and sorting out all kinds of materials from five years ago to check all the suspects that night.

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