Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1410 Good Son

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Liaoyuan was fishing with Mr. Zhuang nearby, and when he heard that Rong Guang had called Ning Xi to compete with him in marksmanship, both of them went over with interest.

When the two arrived, Zhuang Rongguang was happily bragging to Ning Xi, "Sister Xi, I finally learned your trick of blindfolded shooting!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of black cloth to cover his eyes, raised his gun, and aimed at the opposite target.




After three shots, the score was quickly reported on the scorer: 10 rings, 10 rings, 10 rings.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows, "Not bad!"

"Yes, yes!" Hearing Ning Xi's praise, Zhuang Rongguang's tail almost went up in the air, "I've already said that I'm very talented! Before, it was just that I didn't want to learn. I'm serious about myself. I'm afraid!"

"Stinky boy, if you have some achievements, you will be complacent." Behind him, Zhuang Liaoyuan said with a straight face. However, although the tone was reprimanding, his eyes were full of pride and relief, and at the same time, he looked at Ning Xi with an expression of gratitude.

This brat in their family is able to be what he is today, all thanks to this girl.

Seeing Zhuang Zongren and Zhuang Liaoyuan, Ning Xi hurriedly said hello, and then said with a smile, "It's really good to be able to achieve this in such a short period of time!"

Zhuang Rongguang was even more proud when he heard it, "Look, even my sister Xi said that! Sister Xi, don't talk to them! Come on, let's continue!"

The two competed for a while, and suddenly there was a childish call from behind - "Mom!"

As soon as she heard her baby's voice, Ning Xi immediately put down the gun in her hand, turned around happily, and hugged the little guy who was flying towards her, "Good son~"

The little guy was fragrant and soft, and it felt so good in the hand that Ning Xi didn't want to let go of it.

The old man Zhuang next to him heard the "Mom" and looked at the little guy who was rushing towards Ning Xi. He suddenly showed surprise, and looked suspiciously at Zhuang Liaoyuan next to him, "This child is..."

As he was talking, there was a sound of steady footsteps behind him, and then he saw a man in a suit and leather shoes who looked very similar to the little bun that Ning Xi was holding in his arms, walking towards him.

After seeing Lu Tingxiao, without Zhuang Liaoyuan answering, Zhuang Zongren had already realized, "Is this the little grandson of the Lu family?"

"Yes." When Zhuang Liaoyuan saw Lu Tingxiao, his expression became serious.

This is just boyfriend and girlfriend, Ning Xi hasn't been married yet, why does my son call her mother?

"Mr. Zhuang, Chief Zhuang." Lu Tingxiao greeted the two of them.

Afterwards, he called Xiao Bao over, "Call someone."

Xiao Bao looked at Zhuang Liaoyuan, then at Zhuang Zongren, and said obediently, "Hello, Uncle Zhuang! Hello, Grandpa Zhuang!"

The little guy was sculpted in pink and jade, as cute as a white dough ball, and he raised his head and called himself affectionately, but Zhuang Liaoyuan's complexion suddenly softened a lot, and he nodded slightly.

How does he feel that this little guy is different from the last time he saw him at Mr. Lu's banquet? It seems to be more lively.

On the other hand, Zhuang Zongren already had a loving expression on his face, stretched out his big rough palm and rubbed the little guy's head, "Good boy!"

I don't know if it's because he's getting older, so he likes children so much. He likes this kid at the first sight.

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