Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1414 Wife, It's Your Genes

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

When the 9.2 ring appeared on the scorer, Zhuang Liaoyuan and Zhuang Zongren's gazes changed slightly, but Zhuang Rongguang was still very disdainful.

"Little kid is lucky! He actually scored a 9.2 ring! But 10 rings are not just lucky!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "bang" - 10 rings!

"Bang——" It's 10 rings again!

After two ten rings in a row, Zhuang Rongguang, who was talking tauntingly, almost bit his own tongue, stammering, "Little really are lucky..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaobao hit the third 10 ring with a "bang".

Zhuang Rongguang: "..."

Three 10 rings? Isn't this luck...too good?

"Bang—" Another 10 ring, and the fourth 10 ring.

Next, with the gunshots of "bang", "bang" and "bang", every shot that Xiao Baozi fired was all 10 rings, not even a nine o'clock.

Not only did Zhuang Rongguang stay there with a dumbfounded expression, Zhuang Liaoyuan and Zhuang Zongren were stunned, even Ning Xi was frightened by Xiaobao, who was so excited just now, but now she was shocked I don't know what to say.

Not only did Xiaobao hit 10 rings, but after a brief familiarity, he hit the bullseye like a sharpshooter.

After a long while, Ning Xi said in a daze, "I...I'll go! Lu Tingxiao...your son is against the sky! This gene is too awesome!"

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Wife, it doesn't look like it's in my genes...

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's heart was extremely complicated when he saw his son who became more and more addicted to playing and had a good shot.

He was sure that no one in the Lu family, including himself, had the expertise in this area, and it was indeed Xiaobao's first time touching a gun.

Zhuang Rongguang's talent came from his biological parents, and Ning Xi's talent seemed to come from the Zhuang family's blood.

So, what about Xiao Bao?

Where is he from?

The idea in his mind that came about because of Lu Jingli's investigation results gradually germinated from a seed until it grew into a big tree in the sky.

After all, she was still young, and her wrist strength could not last long. Ning Xi was afraid that the little guy would hurt her hand, so she made him stop after playing for a while.

The little bun touched the gun reluctantly, with a small expression that was still unfinished.

Little Treasure had little interest in anything, but Ning Xi was very happy to see his small appearance, and at the same time felt kind in her heart.

Originally, Zhuang Liao's reason was that Little Treasure was Lu Tingxiao's son, and he still had a little bit of prejudice. Now, there is still no prejudice at all. The look in his eyes when he looked at the little guy was even more exaggerated than when he saw Ning Xi, "This child ...Too talented! Higher talent than Rongguang!"

They might even surpass Ning Xi.

Zhuang Rongguang burst into tears, Dad, I'm already ashamed enough, don't say any more, okay? I'm going to call him daddy!

Only then did Xiao Baozi remember the most important thing, and turned to Zhuang Rongguang with a cold face: "Don't forget your promise."

Zhuang Rongguang would never go back on his bet with a brat, so he could only speak bitterly, "I promise I will never provoke you again."


"Ning Xi is your mother, it's your's your mother..."

Little Baozi's face, which had always been extremely serious and tense, finally relaxed, revealing an extremely cute and satisfied smile.

Zhuang Rongguang looked at the cute little bun smiling, and unconsciously stared blankly...

Depend on! Why did he feel that this nasty little guy was cute at that moment?

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