Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1420 Ex-boyfriend is a creature

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The rest area and dressing room for the lead actors and supporting actors were not together. After Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao got to the set, they went to make up separately.

As soon as he entered the lounge, he didn't see the makeup artist and assistants, but he saw Jiang Muye sitting in front of the dressing table with his legs crossed and humming.

As soon as he saw Ning Xi, that guy immediately took off his earphones and flew over, "Ning Xiaoxi, how is it? Did my uncle come over today?"

Jiang Muye looked outside while talking, with an expression of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Ah ha ha ha... This is really a scuffle... Will there be a fight later..."

Ning Xi sat down on the chair with a bang, pinched her brows that were covered with clouds, "I don't want to see a creature like my ex-boyfriend now, not even a single hair. If you continue to hang around in front of my eyes, later on if I What did you do to..."

Before Ning Xi finished speaking, Jiang Muye immediately ran away without a trace with a "whoosh", which can be said to be very sensible.

Just kidding, he has seen the violence many times when Ning Xi is in a bad mood...

After a while, makeup and Xiaotao came over with clothes and wigs in their arms. Ning Xi cheered up and started to change clothes and put on makeup.


After finishing the styling, after going out, Ning Xi immediately searched for traces of her family's sweetheart and observed the enemy's situation.

I saw Lu Tingxiao changed into black clothes from head to toe, and was sitting in an inconspicuous corner with a script in his hand. If she hadn't deliberately searched for it, the man's presence would be almost zero, and he wouldn't attract anyone's attention. idea.

On the other hand...

Yun Shen was sitting on a large and luxurious leather recliner, with a huge parasol on his head, surrounded by stars, and almost everyone was talking around him.

After being warned by her, Jiang Muye was obediently sitting on his rest seat, pretending to read the script.

Mo Chenxiu's part in today's scene is at the back, and he hasn't arrived yet.

Ning Xi also tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, trying to get through the day safely, but... this is obviously impossible...

Just as she was about to walk towards her chair, she heard someone calling her lazily from the opposite side - "Huang'er..."

Ning Xi wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but the guy who deserved a beating called again.

"Huang'er, come here~"

Helplessly, Yun Shen is the biggest investor in their drama, and the director has already said hello, telling them all to take it easy, and she must bear it on the surface.

Ning Xi had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked over, "Mr. Yun, do you have anything to do with me?"

The man tilted his head, looked at the girl's miserable appearance with a half-smile, gestured with his eyes to sit down next to her, and said leisurely, "Xiao Huang'er, let's play against each other, so that you won't have to play again later." NG, as a father, I have to feel distressed."

Ning Xi: "..." You're addicted to acting, aren't you?

However, the man has already changed into a costume and put on makeup at this moment. He is completely the image of Yun Sitian in the play, and he said such words with such an image, which makes those female artists and staff next to him There were bursts of excited exclamations.

"Aww...I'm so envious! I really miss a father like Mr. Yun!"

"If I want such a handsome father, I won't get married!"

"Mr. Yun is simply the father of the nation!"


Ning Xi next to her was covered in black lines, what the hell is the national father!

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