Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1428 Tsk tsk is so cruel

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After a short break, the fourth shoot began.

NG, continue to NG without a doubt.

Then the fifth time, the sixth time, the seventh time...

There were more and more people watching, and the expressions on their faces became more and more surprised.

Until, the twelfth time!

It seems that Ning Xi also NGed twelve times just now, right?

Just as everyone thought this way, Meng Shiyi went NG again.

Thirteenth NG...

Even more NG times than Ning Xi...

After the thirteenth NG, Meng Shiyi was sweating profusely and almost collapsed. She threw the sword in her hand with a "bang", walked to the rest area, and then frantically threw all the cups and teapots on the table down.

Accompanied by a burst of noise and debris all over the floor, the little assistant covered her ears, her face turned pale with fright, "Shi... Sister Shiyi..."



Everyone looked at Meng Shiyi's crazy look, you looked at me, I looked at you, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even if they tried to excuse Meng Shiyi again, they NGed a total of thirteen times, and they still forgot the most basic words. As a movie queen, she couldn't justify it, right?

This mistake is too low-level...

"It turns out that the actress is nothing more than that..." Someone couldn't help muttering.

At this time, an excited voice came from the crowd, "Shouldn't the point be Ning Xi! Ning Xi was so handsome just now!"

"Yes, yes, he is clearly a big villain, but why do I look so handsome! I really want to marry! And why do I have a sense of seeing that Yunhuang and Liuyan are having an adulterous affair? I am so angry that I am blue Yan!"

"Oh, it turns out that Director Guo wasn't exaggerating! Ning Xi's acting skills are really amazing! I guess it was because she was in a bad state..."

"On the contrary, Meng Shiyi, the actress, is a bit exaggerated whether it's acting skills or character..."


Listening to the crowd's discussion, Meng Shiyi's face was extremely gloomy, and she looked in Ning Xi's direction with resentment.

What the hell did this damn woman do to her?

Why can't she speak her lines! Why can't she speak her lines!

Could it be... Could it be that she... She was suppressing her drama?

No! This is impossible!

How can that vase that relies on the face be able to "suppress the show", you must know that there are only a handful of people who can "suppress the show" in the entire entertainment industry, and often they can only use it for newcomers with little experience. How could Xi be able to suppress her drama...

Meng Shiyi refused to believe it no matter what, after all not long ago she had crushed Ning Xi NG twelve times...

"Tsk tsk tsk...that's so cruel..." Jiang Muye watched with relish.

Hey, some people... don't live well? Why do you have to die!

However, Jiang Muye thought about it again, Ning Xi had been distracted these days, and he never expected that just because Meng Shiyi touched his uncle a little, but through the clothes, she would blow her hair to such an extent...

Thinking of this, Jiang Muye's face darkened slightly, and a trace of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

He knew that as soon as his uncle entered the group, he would be stuffed with dog food, but he almost vomited on the first day...

At the same time, since the shooting of this scene, Yun Shen didn't say a word, just sat quietly under the shade of a shady tree, his monstrous face was hidden in the shadow, and the expression on his face couldn't be seen clearly , while the backs of the two bodyguards beside him were extremely stiff, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They have been with the boss for so many years, and they know the boss' mood best. Right now, the boss is in a very bad mood...

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