Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1431 The Feeling of Being Protected by His Wife

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Darling, I'm here, don't be afraid!" Ning Xi had the expression of a domineering president covering her little lover. It can be said that she was very dedicated to her work.

Lu Tingxiao coughed lightly, and said with a suppressed smile, "Yes."

Seeing the girl's defensive appearance, Lu Tingxiao couldn't help but think of the girl's words in the play just now, if anyone dares to touch a hair of him, I will have his head on his head; if anyone dares to hurt him, I will kill him. Kill him all over the house...

Lu Tingxiao's heart was filled with softness and warmth, and he couldn't help but leaned over to kiss the girl's lips...

However, before Lu Tingxiao could get close, suddenly a sharp palm wind hit him head-on.

Ning Xi's body reacted quickly, she immediately protected Lu Tingxiao behind her, and then pointed her palm at the attacker.

However, Ning Xi's slap missed, and the other party saw that it was her, and immediately withdrew the attack.

"Who!!!" Ning Xi took a closer look, and when she saw who the sneak attacking person was, she was dumbfounded, "Shi Xiao...?"

At this moment, Shi Xiao was staring at Lu Tingxiao who was being protected by her behind him, with an expression of killing and then hurrying.

Uh... what a deja vu scene...

It was exactly the same as Lu Jingli's reaction when he saw "Ke Mingyu" for the first time.

Ning Xi stroked her forehead helplessly.

At this moment, she finally remembered Shi Xiao's trouble, and at the same time, Shi Xiao probably saw her intimate contact with "Ke Mingyu" in the morning. It was only now that he started to do it, which shows what a miserable struggle he has experienced in his heart that day.

Shi Xiao's eyes seemed to be eating people, he moved away from Ning Xi without saying a word, and then attacked Ke Mingyu behind Ning Xi again.

However, with Ning Xi here, Shi Xiao was destined not to even touch a single hair of Ke Mingyu.

Shi Xiao's successive attacks were all stopped by Ning Xi in an impenetrable way, not to mention beating up that little boy, he couldn't even touch him, he really wanted to die.

Nima, he knew that he was humiliating himself by coming to be the boss's bodyguard, and now he can't even deal with a little boy...

What use does the boss want him for! How could he face the boss!

And facing his subordinates who were about to collapse, a certain big devil didn't react at all, well, it feels good to be protected by his wife.

After the last attack failed, Shi Xiao really broke down. He looked at Ning Xi and the little boy next to her with scarlet eyes and complained, "Miss Xiao Xi, how could you do such a thing behind the boss's back... Although... Although the boss People are serious, rigid, incomprehensible, and won't please girls. When angry, they are no different from Hades..."

Hearing this, Ning Xi couldn't hold it back any longer, and buried herself in Lu Tingxiao's chest, laughing uncontrollably, " dear, how does it feel to hear your family's true evaluation of you?"

In the middle of speaking, Shi Xiao suddenly raised his head, and looked at "Ke Mingyu" again in disbelief.

Boss lady, what do you mean by this...

Lu Tingxiao looked helplessly at the smirking girl in his arms, then raised his eyes to look at Shi Xiao, and said expressionlessly, "It's me."

This time, Lu Tingxiao used his real voice.

When that familiar voice sounded, Shi Xiao's entire face was shattered, "Boss!?"


[Wait a little later, in the codeword]

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