Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1450 Darling, you are amazing

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Don't dare." Liu Yan immediately lowered his hand respectfully, but his body was stretched like a bow.

"That's good..." Yunhuang was like a big devil who coaxed an ignorant girl, her tone was instantly gentle, and the brows were infused with a blurred and seductive color, which even a saint couldn't hold back...

Finally, she bent down and slowly covered the man's lips.

The moment Yunhuang closed her eyes and kissed Liuyan, a tear fell from her eye socket. The girl's expression at the moment of closing her eyes was enough to break everyone's heart...

It turns out that the arrogance and evilness are nothing more than a protective shell that can be broken at the touch of a touch, and it turns out that the female devil also has sincerity...

Guo Qisheng clapped his hands excitedly while holding the script, and continued watching with bated breath without making a sound.

Next is a close-up of the stream.

The image of Liuyan in the play is a humanoid weapon without any emotion, the only emotion is loyalty to the master.

However, at this moment, the moment the master's lips fell, the man's ice-covered eyes suddenly turned into flames, and something hidden in his bones and blood was quietly breaking out of the cage like a wild beast at this moment...

It was Liuyan's deep-seated emotion, apart from being loyal to her master, she knew she shouldn't have it, but she couldn't control it.

Liuyan, who has never been in love before, doesn't know what it is, but at this moment, she suddenly understands...

This scene is not only Yunhuang's emotional turning point, but also Liuyan.

Of course, Liu Yan is just a small supporting role, and his role is irrelevant, but after being played by Ke Mingyu, no one will ignore him, but can't help but pursue his feelings for Yunhuang...

At this time, Yunhuang's poison suddenly broke out, with a painful look on his face, and finally, Liuyan moved.

The man turned over, and suddenly placed his master carefully under his body. His fingers paused for a second on the master's waist, and the next moment, he reached over resolutely and untied the master's belt...

"Oh my god!" Jiang Muye stared at the other side without blinking. He didn't notice that the cigarette in his hand was lit, and it burned his finger all of a sudden, causing him to scream in pain.

Say hello to the dog! Why does he want to sit here and watch the sex scene between his ex-girlfriend and his uncle? For Mao!

Isn't this looking for abuse for yourself!

But he...he just can't move his feet...

The fiery red clothes were peeling off layer by layer like petals, and everyone onlookers tensed up, and subconsciously swallowed because of the ensuing erotic scene...

However, at this moment, Liu Yan's gaze was straight like a sharp knife looking towards the direction of the hole, and then with a "da" sound, Liu Yan's fingers moved slightly, and a small stone hit the pile of stones on the side. vine……

"Clatter!" Those vines instantly covered the entrance of the cave, covering the room full of spring...

Everyone... was stunned...

This is different from what was said in the script, huh?

However, after a moment of pondering, Guo Qisheng's eyes lit up, signaling the cameraman to continue shooting.

There are gaps between the vines, people outside can only vaguely see what's going on inside, and Ning Xi and Ke Mingyu inside can't see Guo Qisheng's prompts, so they can only play freely...

Hmm, free play...

Of course Ning Xi couldn't wish for it!

After enduring this for a long time, I was almost suffocated, and immediately took the opportunity to wrap my arms around the big devil's neck, kissed him honestly, and said in a low voice, "Pfft, dear, you are so amazing..."

The pebble hit it right, so accurate!

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