Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1462 It's not that simple

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Ke'er opened the small box and took a look, confused, "It's not mine!"

The nanny was puzzled, "Isn't it Miss? Is it Madam's? But, judging by the style of this bracelet, it should be worn by a young girl..."

"It's not mine, and I haven't seen it before." Meng Linlang said.

"That's weird... No one else has ridden in my car..." Zhuang Ke'er looked at the bracelet repeatedly, and at a glance she saw that this bracelet was indeed very expensive, at least a few million.

At this moment, Zhuang Ke'er suddenly remembered someone, "Could it be... Ning Xueluo..."

"Ke'er, who are you talking about?" Meng Linlang frowned upon hearing this name.

"It's the daughter of the Ning family. Her father is Ning Yaohua, and her mother's name is Zhuang Lingyu. I just recently found out that I have such a cousin..."

"Cousin?" Meng Linlang frowned even more, "She's your kind of cousin! did you know these things? Who told you?"

"It was Ning Xueluo who told me..." Zhuang Ke'er recalled for a moment, and recounted what happened in the beauty salon that day.

Meng Linlang listened in silence from the beginning to the end, and sneered after hearing, "It's so nonsense! She, Zhuang Lingyu, would put the photo on the bedside and miss her family every night? If she had half a conscience, she wouldn't have acted like a wolf. thing!"

"Mom, what happened back then? I asked my father, but he didn't want to say anything, and told me not to ask, and not to mention it in front of grandpa." Zhuang Ke'er was puzzled.

After asking the nanny to leave first, Meng Linlang said, "Do you know why your grandfather didn't agree to the marriage between Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Yaohua?"

"Isn't it right? It shouldn't be that simple, right? If it's because of this, there will be at most a few quarrels, how can it be so serious?" Zhuang Ke'er said.

Meng Linlang's face was very ugly, and she seemed to be extremely unwilling to mention this matter.

However, if she didn't say anything, Ke'er might be deceived and used by the people over there.

After hesitating again and again, Meng Linlang said, "The conditions of the Ning family were actually not that bad back then. Although they were not in the government system or a wealthy family, they opened a company with a small scale, and they were considered a rich second generation. At that time, Ning Zhiyuan was still in charge, and the company was developing well. In order to sharpen his two sons, Ning Zhiyuan asked them to work hard outside for two years.

However, the two sons of the Ning family are not as good as the other. Ning Yaobang, the second son of the Ning family, spends his days drinking and drinking. In fact, relying on that pretty good face to deal with several women, it was not the first time he had done such a thing as stepping on a woman.

Your father went to investigate in detail back then, and told Zhuang Lingyu when he came back. As a result, your unclear aunt was completely stunned, and she couldn't listen to anything at all. ,even……"

Speaking of this, Meng Linlang's face was extremely ugly, "Ning Yaohua also seduced me, but it was done in a subtle way, and there was no evidence. I only told your father about it, but your father didn't have a heart, so he went to talk to Zhuang Ling directly. Yu said it, and as a result, you should have guessed it, not only did she not believe it, but she even framed me for seducing her man... Oh, my eyesight hasn't reached that point yet!"

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