Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1467 Unexpected surprise?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Mother Su listened to the compliments around her, and then glanced at the ugly face of the illegitimate son Su Xun. She felt relieved and said proudly, "Ah, it's actually because the Zhuang family is our mother's family..."

Hearing this, the surroundings were even more surprised. They thought that there was some kind of friendship between the juniors at most. Who knew there was such a relationship in it?

The dealer is Zhuang Lingyu's natal family?

But...why never heard of it?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and it was inconvenient to ask more questions.

At this moment, a few older people suddenly realized and said, "There is such a thing... Back then, the daughter-in-law of Ning's parents was the youngest daughter of General Zhuang, but she fell out with the family later. Get in touch... Look at this... Is it reconciled?"

"After all, it's your own flesh and blood, so it's normal to reconcile, right?"

"So that's it! Tsk tsk, the Su family really found a treasure this time! I thought they married a fake phoenix..."

"What kind of fake phoenix? I think it's Ning Qiutong's idea of ​​taking advantage of the Ning family's property. Didn't Ning Yaohua hold a press conference to deny it?"


Everyone was talking about it. At this time, someone in the crowd let out a low voice, "The one at the that Miss Zhuangjia?"

In an instant, everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

It doesn't matter at first glance.

The crowd not only saw a young girl, but beside the girl was a dignified and older woman. The two seemed to be talking to the welcome guests.

I saw that the woman was very well maintained, wearing a navy blue embroidered cheongsam with dark patterns, standing next to the girl, she didn't look like a mother, but a sister. Although she didn't wear any expensive ornate accessories, her temperament was naturally revealed. noble.

Immediately, several people recognized the two, "That's's Miss Zhuang! And Mrs. Zhuang!"

"What? The girl beside the girl is Mrs. Zhuang?"

"Oh my god! I didn't expect that even the general's wife came! Mrs. Zhuang never appears on such occasions!"

"It seems that the relationship between the Zhuang family and the Ning family is could it be so important if it weren't for the in-laws..."


With the appearance of the two, the attention of almost all the guests was attracted. Not far away, Ning Xueluo and Su's mother, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at each other and quickly walked up to greet them.

Neither of them expected that Mrs. Zhuang Meng Linlang would also come!

Especially Ning Xueluo was the most surprised, because she just asked Zhuang Keer to come over to give her a bracelet, but she didn't expect that she would bring Meng Linlang along.

Looking at it like this, it must be more than just a bracelet. Could it be...Could it be that the dealer finally changed his mind at the last moment and agreed to come to her wedding?

If so...that would be great...

Ning Xueluo glanced at Zhuang Lingyu pleadingly, Zhuang Lingyu still had some reluctance on her face, especially when she saw Meng Linlang, her expression was very bad, but for the sake of her daughter, she He stretched out his hand to straighten his temples, and walked along with Ning Xueluo.

Ning Yaohua was even more delighted, especially when he saw Ning Yaobang jumping with jealousy.

Just now Ning Yaobang was still saying that he gave the shares to a daughter who was not related by blood, that he was an idiot, and told him to be careful about fetching water from a bamboo basket. correct!

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