Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1475 My dear, you are blind enough!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

What the hell……

What is the situation!

Why Mao Yunshen is also here...

Forget about Yun Shen, why is Su Yan here!

Ning Xi looked at Lu Tingxiao, at Yun Shen, and at Su Yan... the whole person was in a daze...

How did the three of them magically come together?

Seeing Ning Xi coming out, Yun Shen chuckled, looked in Su Yan's direction and said, "Honey, this is your first love? Are you blind enough?"

Ning Xi's forehead was throbbing with veins, "You're the only one who is blind, your whole family is blind!"

Hearing Ning Xi's words, Yun Shen glanced in the direction of Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli, and laughed nervously, "Oh, my whole family is blind? That's right..."

"Crazy..." Ning Xi was speechless, then glanced at Tang Ye, "Can you hold your boss's rope?"

Tang Ye had an expression that had nothing to do with me.

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she looked at Su Yan, raised her eyebrows slightly, "Mr. Su, did you go to the wrong set?"

Su Yan's complexion was extremely complicated at the moment. Seeing that Ning Xi hesitated to speak, he turned and left without saying anything.

He thought that Ning Xi didn't come to his wedding because he couldn't accept and face it, but he didn't expect that what he saw was completely different from what he imagined.

It seemed that his wedding today had no effect on her, and even his own appearance did not cause any waves in her eyes.

What shocked him even more was that the attitude of the two men in front of him towards Ning Xi was the same as the way they looked at her.

As a man, he couldn't be more clear with such eyes!

And the important guests in this hall...

The curator seems to have specifically ordered that another never-opened hall connected to this small hall be opened to accommodate the guests.

He found that at some point, the girl he was so familiar with had already made him completely incomprehensible...

Seeing Su Yan leave, Ning Xi finally turned to Lu Tingxiao, her eyes sparkling, and her attitude completely changed, "Boss, please come in!"

Lu Tingxiao seemed very satisfied with the girl's completely different happy expression when she saw him, "Well, don't be too tired."

"Yeah, I got it, boss!" Ning Xi thought repeatedly.

"Hey, hey, there's a boss here! Xiao Xixi, you really have bad eyesight!" Lu Jingli, who was completely ignored, complained all over his face.

"Yes, yes, boss, please come in quickly, boss, you have worked hard!"

"That's about the same!" Lu Jingli snorted and went in.

Yun Shen, who didn't receive the polite invitation, didn't care at all, and walked in leisurely.

The moment Lu Tingxiao entered the arena, there was a burst of exclamation in the hall, and the moment Yun Shen followed behind him, the exclamation suddenly became louder...

"Oh my god! I was just saying that if Lu Tingxiao and Yun Shen also came, then all the bigwigs from the political and business circles would be here! I didn't expect...they really came..."

"This is too scary! Who the hell is that little star? Doesn't he have too much face?"

"It is said that he is the current pillar of Shengshi Entertainment..."


The two female stars of Shengshi Entertainment who went to attend Ning Xueluo's wedding just now found out about the scene upstairs, and their stomachs were almost green with regret. They had been invited but didn't come, and now they missed it for nothing. With such a great opportunity, by the time we rushed over, the charity activities were already halfway through!

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