Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1481 You Are Here Anyway

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Originally, Jiang Muye just had a small private party, but Lu Jingli, the boss, also came to join in the fun, so it was fine if he came, and the big boss, Lu Tingxiao, was also brought along.

Because of Lu Tingxiao's arrival, many bigwigs in the business circle who had just left the charity event also came to join in the fun, and finally, finally, even Yun Shen came over...

So the nature of this private gathering suddenly turned into a commercial gathering, in short, it was completely useless.

It's better to go home and sleep after the end, and end up having to suffer through it.

Ning Xi sat there, as if she had a needle in her buttocks, she couldn't sit still, and she could only drink unconsciously in boredom, until the eyes of her sweetheart came across.

Lu Tingxiao was surrounded by the most people, and he didn't have time to relax for a moment, but he didn't expect to notice her side.

After being warned, Ning Xi chuckled, buried her head and sent a text message to Lu Tingxiao: [You're there anyway~]

So even if you drink too much, it’s okay!

Lu Tingxiao seemed to be listening carefully to the eloquent speech of a certain boss beside him. At this moment, the phone vibrated, so he lowered his eyes and his alienated expression suddenly warmed up a bit, but he didn't stop Ning Xi anymore. .

From time to time, someone beside Ning Xi would talk to Ning Xi out of curiosity, with a probing tone in his tone...

"Brother Xi, you are so amazing, so many people came to support today's event! I was so scared!"

"Isn't that right? I thought that the guests at Ning Xueluo's wedding of the century were scary enough, but when it comes to you, it's nothing short of a big deal..."

Ning Xi took a sip of her wine, and said lightly, "It just so happened that the higher-ups recently promoted this, and with the promotion of our lord BOSS, I, a little shrimp, just happen to represent the company..."

Hearing what Ning Xi said, the artists who gathered around to talk showed a clear expression.

Because today's scene was really scary, they couldn't help but wonder if Ning Xi had some backstage that they didn't know about. How could it be possible for Xi to run for so long and play so many villains in supporting roles before stumbling to the front line...

What does it really mean to have a backstage? People like Meng Shiyi have never played a supporting role since their debut. Every movie is a big production with hundreds of millions of directors. The first movie won the best actress is the correct demonstration.

So, after they heard what Ning Xi said, they didn't doubt her words at all. On the contrary, they were very fond of Ning Xi's truthful statement, and they didn't show any intentional glorification at all.

There were quite a lot of young people in the box, and everyone suggested to play Truth or Dare. Ning Xi got a headache when she heard about this game. Wouldn't it be death to play this kind of game with these four?

So, Ning Xi made a decisive move to escape!

Walking to the end of the empty corridor to get some air, as a result, just lying on the window for a while, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Ning Xi turned around, and then saw Mo Chenxiu's eyes were clouded, standing there reeking of alcohol.

Seeing the person in front of her, Ning Xi really had a headache, "Mo Chenxiu, I've already made it very clear what I need to say, what exactly do you want to end the grievances between us, just give me a quick talk!"

Mo Chenxiu inserted his fair fingers into his hair, his brows were wild and unrestrained, and the corner of his mouth was full of a sneer, "Oh, end the grievances? I have lost to a shameless little boy who has no face, no money, no money, no family background and no merit! Do you think I can swallow this breath?"

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