Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1491 Still have feelings for Ning Xi?

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Even Ning Xueluo was a little surprised by Su Yan's reaction, "Brother Yan, I'm's because I didn't discipline this girl well..."

"Go and settle this month's salary with the housekeeper." Su Yan said directly in a cold voice.

Xiaoling's face was filled with horror, "Master, I was wrong...I really know I was wrong...don't drive me away..."

"Brother Yan, just let her go, Xiaoling has been by my side and has taken care of me for so many years, but this time... it's just that I can't stand it..." Ning Xueluo wanted to cry He glanced in Zhao Shanshan's direction.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! You just got married, why did you make such a fuss on your big day! Xiaoling, you go down! Shanshan, you go back to your room too!" Zheng Minjun said with a displeased expression.

Zhao Shanshan curled her lips and walked away with a dark face, tsk, Ning Xueluo's pity is really good at it, no wonder Su Yan has been held in her hand.

"Su Yan, why are you so angry? At least you should listen to what she wants to say..." Zheng Minjun sighed.

Su Yan frowned, "Mom, you know that I am most disgusted by servants talking about things about the master's house. What she wanted to say was nothing more than the things that Xiao Xi lost her manners when she just returned to Ning's house because she didn't know social etiquette. What can I say..."

Zheng Minjun thought for a while, what could a little girl like Xiaoling know, probably what she wanted to talk about, so she didn't ask any more questions.

However, seeing her son's protective attitude, she couldn't help but think about it...

After all, it came out of her stomach, she knows best, maybe Su Yan still has feelings for that girl... right?

A while later, in Su Yan and Ning Xueluo's new room upstairs.

"Brother Yan, are you still angry with me?" Ning Xueluo walked cautiously to the balcony.

"What did Xiao Ling want to say to mother just now?" Su Yan stood by the railing of the balcony, his expression melted into the night, and his tone was slightly cold.

Ning Xueluo panicked, but quickly calmed down, "What else could it be? It's the things Xiao Xi didn't understand etiquette back then..."

Su Yan turned around, took a deep look at the woman beside him, with an extremely serious expression, "Xueluo, remember what I told you back then, that incident had too much impact on Ning Xi, we can't Let anyone know! Including anyone on my side of the family! Besides, it was our fault!"

"Brother Yan, of course I know how much this matter has affected my sister. How could I talk nonsense outside! Brother Yan, do you believe me? You... Do you suspect that I deliberately wanted Xiaoling to go tonight? Are you going to tell these things in front of Mom?" Ning Xueluo's face was full of disbelief, her expression almost collapsed.

Su Yan remained silent.

He just interrupted Xiaoling just in time, now what Xiaoling wanted to say at that time, it is impossible to get to the bottom of it.

At this time, Ning Xueluo's face was covered with tears, and she staggered back a step, her eyes filled with desolation, "Brother Yan... In your heart, I am actually this kind of person?"

Looking at the picture of the girl being extremely sad, and thinking about the grievances she has suffered in the past two days, Su Yan finally softened his face, "I didn't mean that, I just reminded you, don't cry, it's my tone that was too strong ,Feel sorry."

Ning Xueluo choked up and threw herself into Su Yan's arms, "Brother Yan...I'm so sad...I'm really sad...I just want to be with you...I just want to marry you...Why? They're all going to say that about me..."

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