Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1500 I have a brother-in-law?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"This...what can I do..." Sun Lan was completely out of control after crying.

Mrs. Tang was also panicked at this moment, "Could it be that someone really changed it... Who is it that kills thousands of swords!"

Tang Shan: "Isn't it okay to have a teacher to testify?"

Sun Lan: "Just now people said it's too bad! Besides, I don't know if the teacher made a mistake...Who knows if the teacher will come out to testify in order to avoid responsibility..."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the three of them were covered with despair...

Tang Nuo's expression was blank, and he picked up the phone again after a while.

He also called the County Education Bureau, the Examination Institute, the school and other places, and all he got was a formulaic answer. If the transfer proves that it is indeed Xijiang, then there is no other way but to go to Xijiang.

"Is there really no other way?" Sun Lan looked dazed.

Tang Shan squatted there smoking a cigarette, "We have no power or influence... What else can we do... We can only accept this dumb fault..."

The old lady Tang was panting with anger, "How can it be done! This matter is endless! I will try my best to seek justice for Xiao Nuo! At worst, I will sleep in front of the admissions office every day! I don't believe it No one cares!"

Tang Shan said helplessly, "Mom, you are already so old, so don't worry about it. The old Niu's family in the next village has been arguing about his son for three years without any results. A few days ago, someone blocked you." You broke your leg, we have no power, no one will listen to you..."

Tang Nuo's face was pale, "Grandma, don't be impulsive... Forget it... At worst, I will retake the exam for a year..."

Ning Xi's status was rather embarrassing, and it was not easy for her to meddle in the affairs of the Tang family, but now she had to say, "I'll make a call later and see if I can find someone to help."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the Tang family looked at her.

"Xiao you find someone to help?" Sun Lan asked with suppressed excitement, and Tang Shan also looked over.

Ning Xi thought about her words, "It shouldn't be a big problem, don't worry too much."

The old lady Tang immediately snorted coldly, and said in a bad mood, "You are not a small tone, what can you do as an actor..."

Tang Nuo didn't know what to think of, and suddenly showed a disturbed expression, pulled Ning Xi aside and said, "Sister, I'm really fine, don't bother others for me!"

He knew that Ning Xi's relationship with the Ning family was not good, and that he could rely on himself to get to where he is today, and he didn't want her to beg for him.

Ning Xi smiled nonchalantly, "What's the trouble, I'm looking for your brother-in-law!"

"Huh? I have a brother-in-law?" Tang Nuo was stunned for a moment.

"I'll tell you later, I'll make a phone call first." Ning Xi patted Tang Nuo on the shoulder, and then went to the back of the house to make a phone call.

"Hello?" A man's reassuring voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, sweetheart... I may have something to ask you for...the thing I mentioned to you last night..."

"What about your brother's acceptance letter?"

"Yes, Xiao Nuo's wish was probably tampered with..."

"Okay, I see. I'll give you an answer as soon as possible." The reply on the other end of the phone was simple and clear.


When Ning Xi came back from the phone call, Sun Lan immediately greeted her, "Xiao Xi, have you called yet? What did they say?"

"He said he would give me an answer as soon as possible," Ning Xi replied.

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