Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 152 Unless you can afford the price

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Ning Xi returned to the apartment, she immediately moved out a metal box from the bottom of the wardrobe, and then carefully checked and wiped the contents inside.

After checking the time on her phone, Ning Xi casually put her things into her bag and hurried downstairs.

Not far away, while driving, Lu Jingli reported to the person on the other end of the Bluetooth headset: "Ning Xi went back to the apartment and came down in less than five minutes, and is now heading towards the outskirts of Xijiang Road..."

After half an hour, Ning Xi finally stopped.

Lu Jingli looked around at the dilapidated houses, and then showed a look of surprise, "Ah, isn't this dilapidated place where the prop master Zhang Qiang lives? Why did Ning Xi come here alone? She couldn't be planning to marry him. Reasonable? This is naive!"

"Turn on the monitoring." A man's cold voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about this!" Lu Jingli hastily brought over the laptop from the back seat of the car.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'll show you a live broadcast on my mobile phone!"

Before Lu Jingli finished speaking, he suddenly realized that his computer could not be operated, his face turned black and he said speechlessly, "Brother, you actually hacked my already told me that I used my mobile phone to broadcast live to you! Do you want to be in such a hurry!"


Zhang Qiang's salary in the film crew is not bad, but because of his gambling nature, he not only has no balance but also owes a huge debt, so he lives in this suburban slum.

These were all Ning Xi heard when he was drinking and chatting with others in the film crew.

"Dong dong dong", Ning Xi knocked on the door three times.

There was no movement at the door.

Ning Xi continued to knock until there was a bang from inside, and then with the sound of slippers scraping the ground, the rusty iron door was pulled open from inside.

"Who the fuck is he! He's courting death early in the morning..." Halfway through the conversation, Zhang Qiang suddenly changed his expression after seeing that the person outside the door was Ning Xi.

"Mr. Zhang, you are safe and sound." Ning Xi looked at him with a smile.

Zhang Qiang wanted to close the door directly, but he turned his eyes and changed his attention, and said lazily, "Who am I to tell you! It turns out to be the beautiful Ning! Come in!"

As soon as Ning Xi entered the room, she smelled a stench. The pungent smell of alcohol was mixed with the smell of stinky socks and mold. It was no less lethal than the canned herring in the morning.

"Sit wherever you want." Zhang Qiang lit a cigarette, and then his cloudy eyeballs stuck tightly to Ning Xi's body like glue, sweeping over every part of her body wantonly.

Ning Xi sat down on the only clean chair in the room, and immediately said straight to the point, "Master Zhang doesn't need to say anything about the purpose of my visit. I need your statement. Please explain everything truthfully. It was Ning Xueluo who directed and acted on her own, and it's not that I bribed you to frame her."

Zhang Qiang looked at her with a smile when he heard the words, with an expression that saw through her, "Little girl, have you started recording? Are you trying to talk to me? Haha, you are too tender! Sorry, what I said to the reporter It's the truth!"

Zhang Qiang had an expression of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes, "Unless, you can afford the price..."

Ning Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, she had expected this to happen.

After Zhang Qiang got the money from Ning Xueluo, he would definitely not go away, but continue to gamble. In the end, he would probably lose everything again.

At this moment, I still want to eat two ends!

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