Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 154 Too cruel

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Jingli, who was about to rush in to save someone, saw the 180-degree reversal of the surveillance situation, and stayed where he was, dumbfounded.

"Single-handedly... What the hell is he carrying a gun! Damn! If I'm not mistaken, the model of that gun is Boretta 92F! Where did she get it?" Lu Jingli's face was filled with disbelief.

After finishing speaking, a sad thought popped up in his mind: His second hero rescue today died again!

Inside the room, Zhang Qiang stared at the gun in Ning Xi's hand, afraid that she would shoot without saying a word like before, leaving no room for people to react, it was too cruel!

"I, I, I... what I said is true! Not a single word is false! Otherwise, I will be struck by lightning!"

Ning Xi didn't say anything, and she didn't know whether she believed him or not. She turned the gun around in her hand, and she almost turned the gun around.

My little aunt! Be careful playing fire escape!

Zhang Qiang was so frightened when he saw it, he hurriedly said tremblingly, "If... you want me to give false testimony that it's that... that Ning Xueluo ordered it, it's okay! Unconditional! Unconditionally satisfy all your conditions! You say yes Whoever is who!"


What she wants is ironclad evidence!

Ning Xi tapped her chin with the gun, and then said, "Give me the bank account the other party sent you money from and the email they sent."

"Okay, okay, it's in my computer, I'll get it now! But the email is anonymous, and even the account is an anonymous foreign account, so it's probably useless to give it to you..." Zhang Qiang said and fished it out from under the quilt A laptop, and then show her the other party's email and remittance details.

Ning Xi glanced at it, made sure there was no problem, and said, "This computer is mine, do you have any comments?"

Zhang Qiang shook his head violently, "No, no, grandma, you can take it! Take whatever you want!"

Ning Xi sneered, heh, from eldest sister to auntie.

It is impossible for this kind of rascal to listen to you if you reason with him. If you negotiate with him, he will make an inch of it. If you want to play tricks, he will be even more cunning and cunning, so the only way is to use violence to control violence.

Since returning to China, it was the first time for her to use this gun. She said that it is impossible not to be nervous. Fortunately, she has acting skills. As long as she is acting, she can calm down instantly.

Randomly picked a perverted killer role to play, it seems that the effect is not bad.

Acting is her favorite career, and it is also her means of protecting herself.

"Then, aunt, do you have anything else to do?" Seeing that she still had no intention of leaving, Zhang Qiang swallowed nervously.

Ning Xi looked at him thoughtfully like Ling Chi, "Hmm... let me think about it..."

"Taking... what are you thinking about?"

"Naturally, I'm thinking...whether I want to kill someone to silence you, what if you later tell others that I tortured you to extract your confession?" Ning Xi took it for granted, and her expression looked very serious.

Zhang Qiang's legs softened and he almost knelt down again, "How is that possible! I wouldn't even dare to lend me a hundred courage!"

What he said was really true, his nature was to bully the weak and fear the strong, and this time Ning Xi had scared him enough.

He never imagined that such a frail little girl would have such a scary side, and he didn't even dare to look directly into her gloomy eyes for fear of having nightmares at night.

Ning Xi chuckled, and patted his cheek with the barrel of the gun, "Don't worry, not only will I not kill you to silence you, but I will also give you money."

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