Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 156 Failed to flatter

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The air fell into a dead silence.

After a long while, Ning Xi swallowed hard, and changed the subject incoherently, "Haha... Lord Boss, you have excellent marksmanship! You are amazing! You are just too prodigal! That vase must be very expensive, right?"

Lu Tingxiao's eyes were cold: "You don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Ning Xi drooped her head dejectedly, "But you said this with the expression that if I don't confess, you will break up with me, you are not sincere at all..."

Besides being frank and lenient, does she have a second way?

Ning Xi sighed, and could only explain the ins and outs to him, "Didn't I tell you that I accidentally injured Ning Xueluo because of a problem with the props? Now the prop master insists that I bribed him to tamper with the props. Isn't this driving me to death? With his words, not only will my career be ruined, but I will also go to jail!"

Lu Tingxiao looked at her steadily: "So?"

Ning Xi coughed lightly, and faltered, "So I'm going to force that guy to tell the truth!"

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Lu Tingxiao's expression was threatening, "Ning Xi, do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this? You're a girl..."

Ning Xi said sullenly, "I know, I know! But haven't I been forced to do nothing? You don't know that Zhang Qiang, a rascal, can only be dealt with in such a simple and rude way!"

"I said that you can come to me if you need help. You would rather choose such a dangerous way than talk to me?" Lu Tingxiao's eyes were filled with heavy disappointment.

That look made her heart throb inexplicably.

This was the first time Lu Tingxiao was so angry with her, and Ning Xi was anxious, "No, no! I..."

Finally, she sighed with a headache, "I'm just used to..."

I am used to solving everything by myself, and I am used to not relying on anyone.

The two fell silent again.

"Well, but how did you know I had a gun?" Ning Xi suddenly remembered this and asked suspiciously.

"Smell." Lu Tingxiao replied with a cold face.

"Uh, that's it! Is it the smell of gunpowder? I didn't expect Mr. Boss to have such a keen sense of smell hehehe..."

Lu Tingxiao's face was still as cold as ice, at the level of a thousand years.

Flattery failed.

Ning Xi was full of helplessness, "Lu Tingxiao, it's not that I don't want to talk to you, it's really such a trivial matter that you don't need to do it yourself, isn't it like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife? But there is one thing that I really need you for right now. Please help! You must help me! After much deliberation, I can only turn to you for this matter! Even if you don’t help me, I will definitely rely on you!”

This time, although Lu Tingxiao still had a cold face, he finally looked at her, "Say."

Ning Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "That's right! Although I got Zhang Qiang's statement and the emails and remittance details sent by the other party, these evidences can only clear my suspicion, but they can't find out the truth behind it. people.

It's not a gentleman not to take revenge if you have a grudge, it would be too cheap for her to let the other party go so easily! So I thought, is there any way to crack the other party's account information and IP address?

Little baby, you are so powerful at such a young age, it must be because of your excellent genes, BOSS, so you must be even stronger in this aspect, BOSS, you must have a way, right? "

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