Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1582 Night falls!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Not coming, right? Then I'll call Xiao Xixi now! I will!"

"Horse, get on, come!" Jiang Muye gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, soon Jiang Muye ran over without delay.

Although Jiang Muye has no blood relationship with the Lu family, they are closer than many serious direct descendants, so the Jiang family's prestige in the whole family is not light.

Of course, the most important thing was Jiang Muye's celebrity status.

Sure enough, when Jiang Muye came, Lu Jingli's pressure was relieved by more than half in an instant.

It wasn't until the music in the banquet hall temporarily stopped, and the host signaled to everyone that Lu Tingxiao was about to give a speech, that Lu Jingli and Jiang Muye finally escaped, and both hid in a corner.

Jiang Muye panted heavily like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, "My uncle didn't bring his female companions here today, logically speaking, those people should all attack my uncle, why Mao is so crazy about shouldn't be... "

The corner of Lu Jingli's mouth twitched, "Please take a look at the collar of my brother's shirt at ten o'clock."

"Huh? What's wrong with his neckline?" Jiang Muye looked in the direction Lu Jingli reminded, and in the next second, a mouthful of wine came out, "I'll go—"

Jiang Muye coughed wildly for a while, "Don't tell me...he just wore that lip print all night?"

Lu Jingli nodded earnestly, "Yes! Just say you're ruthless, right?"

Jiang Muye: "Too ruthless..."

He doesn't want to say anything...

After talking to Lu Jingli for a while, Jiang Muye noticed from the corner of his eye that Wu Jianda had sneaked to look for Lu Chongming just now, and couldn't help but frowned and said, "Second uncle, those two people are sneaky, you don't have to Beware?"

"There's nothing to be wary of. On an occasion like today, with Wu Jianda's guts, do you think he would dare to do anything? It must be to persuade him to surrender!" Lu Jingli had a nonchalant expression.

Jiang Muye gave a "tsk", "You fourth uncle, are you still determined?"

Lu Jingli sneered, "Give up? He secretly contacted me before, surrendered to me, and wanted to help me seek to usurp the throne! Is he an idiot? He wants to join hands with me to overthrow my brother! I'm my brother's caring little padded jacket! "

Lu Jingli had an extremely proud expression on his face.

The corners of Jiang Muye's mouth twitched, but it was undeniable that it was absolutely impossible for anyone in this world to betray Lu Tingxiao, even Lu Jingli. Lu Chongming couldn't even understand this, so it's no wonder that he has fallen to this point...

"Good evening."

At this time, Lu Tingxiao's cello-like voice came from the stage.

The opening remarks are extremely concise and clear, just like his master.

There was an extremely warm applause in the banquet hall, and everyone looked at the young patriarch on the stage with incomparable reverence.

"In the past year, with the joint efforts of all colleagues, the Lu Group has achieved unprecedented good results in history, and exceeded the tasks expected at the beginning of the year..."

Looking at his son on the stage, Lu Chongshan's face was full of pride and pride, and he was deeply moved.

In his lifetime, he could see the Lu family develop to such a height, and when he went to Jiuquan in the future, he would be able to face his ancestors calmly.

After Lu Tingxiao's speech was over, Lu Chongshan took the microphone and said excitedly, "Just now Tingxiao has already said everything, I won't say much about the rest. I, Lu, have not made any great achievements in my life. Keeping the foundation of my ancestors, and ensuring that my Lu family continues to prosper, and what I am most proud of in my life is having these two sons.

Everyone knows that it is easy to make a family, but difficult to maintain a family. For a family like ours, the most important thing is not power, not financial resources, but excellent heirs. Only in this way can the family business continue to prosper. The reason why everyone is required to pay attention to the cultivation and education of offspring.

I believe that Tingxiao can lead everyone, our Lu family, to a higher level..."


Before Lu Chongshan could finish his sentence, accompanied by a loud noise, the entire banquet hall was shrouded in a black haze...

For a moment, it was like night fell...

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