Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 159 I'll Feed You

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"It's done." Lu Tingxiao was forced to stop in order to avoid losing control if he continued.

"Oh." Ning Xi didn't think too much, and continued to study the gun, then looked at Lu Tingxiao uncertainly and asked, "This you really want to give it to me?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Take it as your birthday present."

This gift is really special...

Ning Xi gently touched the body of the gun, "Thank you! I like it very much!"

The safety performance of this gun is indeed better, coupled with its low-key appearance, unless it is disassembled, it is impossible to see what kind of gun it is, and it is much more convenient to use.

As Ning Xi watched, her eyes couldn't help but turn sour, "Lu Tingxiao, thank you... No one has ever been so kind to me..."

Lu Tingxiao's heart moved slightly, and just as he was about to speak, Ning Xi said emotionally, "It's almost like a father!"

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

This evaluation... is high enough, but it also makes him dumbfounded enough.

"It's so late, you must be hungry, I'll make you supper!"

After Ning Xi ran out courteously, Lu Tingxiao dismantled the gun calmly.

As he expected, the serial number had been erased.

However, the scope of the opponent's identity has narrowed down a lot.

Ten minutes later, Ning Xi walked in with a bowl of steaming food.

"Lu Tingxiao, are the dumplings okay? I see that there are still leftovers in the refrigerator from the last time I made them in the kitchen, so I'll make some for you!"

"Let it go."


Seeing Lu Tingxiao's busy appearance, Ning Xi felt a little sorry, so she picked up the bowl, "Shall I feed you?"

Lu Tingxiao frowned slightly. He wanted to refuse, but he didn't want to say it.

"I'll feed you, I'll feed you! Just do what you have to do!" Ning Xi hurriedly picked up a dumpling and carefully blew it cold before bringing it to his mouth.

Lu Tingxiao stared at the computer screen solemnly, and opened his mouth to eat the dumpling expressionlessly.

Why didn't I find it so delicious when I ate it last time?

Ning Xi continued to feed them one by one until the whole bowl was finished.

"You go to the rest meeting, my side is almost over." Lu Tingxiao returned Zhang Qiang's computer to him, and then began to concentrate on operating his own computer.

"Oh, good." Ning Xi sat down on the sofa in the corner with her notebook in her arms.

Because she was bored, she turned to Zhang Qiang's computer to see if she could find any other clues.

In the end, she was actually found.

She found a folder named "Important Confidential" in the D drive. After clicking on it, she found that there were many video files in it.

Did that guy hide some evidence that he didn't tell her?

Ning Xi clicked on one of the videos while being suspicious.

As soon as she turned it on, Ning Xi felt that something was wrong, but by the time she realized it, it was too late. In the next second, there was a blushing and heartbeating sound from the computer, which was very clear in the silent study room. ...

Ning Xi: "..."

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Ning Xi really wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it, because she was too flustered, she clicked several times but couldn't turn off the video.

In the end, Lu Tingxiao couldn't stand it anymore, so he came over and reached out to help her shut it down.

Ning Xi threw the computer away, with a suing tone, "There is a file in his computer named important and confidential, I thought it was some kind of evidence...Damn! I should have known!"

In the man's computer, there must be such suspicious folders!

Seeing the girl's aggrieved face, Lu Tingxiao pinched the center of his brows and sighed helplessly, "It's finished, come and have a look."

It was originally out of selfishness that I said it would take one night to get it done, and the purpose was to hope that I could spend more time with her.

But now it seems that if she continues to be tossed like this, I don't know what will happen...

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