Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1638 I Never Doubt This

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

As soon as Ning Xi got home, she received a call from Ling Zhizhi.

The contract with the crew has already been signed.

She finally got the role!

Before, Jiang Xinyi was too impatient, disregarding the crew's warnings against leaking all relevant content, and as soon as she got the news that she had passed the audition, she secretly revealed it to the media. The navy publishes various conspiracy theories.

Although Ning Xi had just won the Palme d'Or Best Actress, her qualifications and status were still inferior to that of Jiang Xinyi, who had been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. After Jiang Xinyi had already been selected, the crew conducted a second audition and passed the second audition. The audition squeezed Jiang Xinyi out of the top position, which really made people have to think too much.

However, because the director is Jiang Xingzhou, Jiang Xingzhou's character and reputation in the entertainment industry are really good, I believe that the crew will still account for the majority after all.

Those doubts did not make much waves. On the contrary, many people are looking forward to what kind of sparks will be created by the famous director who keeps creating miracles and this young new actress, and what kind of surprises they will bring to everyone.

Except for this little disturbance before the filming started, the crew's filming was conducted in a low-key manner throughout the filming, and they were all filmed in a closed mode in a small village, without any relevant reports.

For a better shooting effect, the whole crew lived in the village, worked, ate and lived with the villagers.

Everyone was worried that such a delicate little girl like Ning Xi wouldn't be able to bear this kind of life, but they didn't expect her to adapt very well, doing all kinds of farm work decently, and even helping to teach other members of the crew.

Jiang Xingzhou would not choose anyone randomly, and he had also learned about Ning Xi's background in detail. He knew that she had lived in the countryside for eighteen years. Even though he was always strict, he was very satisfied with Ning Xi's performance.

"This girl is not bad, she is a good material! As long as she doesn't go astray, she may surpass you in the future!"

Hearing Jiang Xingzhou's high evaluation, Song Lin didn't mind at all. Instead, she looked in Ning Xi's direction and said with a smile, "I never doubted that!"

At this moment, with a "ding", Song Lin's cell phone rang.

Song Lin picked up the phone casually and glanced at it, but her face suddenly changed in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xingzhou's cell phone rang. Jiang Xingzhou picked up the cell phone and looked at it. His face showed the same astonishment as Song Lin's, and then his face was instantly filled with anger.

Song Lin glanced at Jiang Xingzhou's mobile phone screen from the corner of her eye, saw that he had seen it too, and hurriedly spoke to steady him, "Director Jiang, before the matter is fully understood, please calm down first!"

After all, Jiang Xingzhou has experienced strong winds and waves, so he endured it, "Finish the filming first, so don't affect her mood."

"Thank you, director!" Song Lin said gratefully, with a hint of worry on her face.

At this moment, Ning Xi didn't know anything about what happened outside. During this time, in order to focus on filming, she hardly paid attention to what happened outside.

It wasn't until after the filming of the scene in the evening that Ning Xi relaxed that she realized that there was something wrong with the reactions of the crew around her. They were looking at their phones and whispering to her secretly.

Ning Xi frowned slightly, and walked towards Xiaotao.

I saw that Xiaotao was anxiously looking on the phone and didn't know who she was talking to.

"Xiao Tao?"

"Ah! Brother Xi!" Xiaotao hung up the phone and looked at Ning Xi with a flustered expression.

"What happened?" Ning Xi looked at Xiaotao and asked.

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