Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1645 The goal has been achieved

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

There are still a few photos in the back, all of which are Ning Xi's life in country M. Although they are all taken together, she and the man did not have any ambiguous movements, but the familiarity and tacit understanding between the two people in the pictures even though the photos reveal Also revealed...

And the last photo... the date was the day of Ning Xi's second audition.

In the picture, Ning Xi was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. The white-haired man was quietly lying on the edge of the bed, holding the corner of the girl's clothes with his fingers, and fell asleep...


Just yesterday, he received this anonymous email. The other party used a virtual IP, so it was impossible to verify who the sender was.

Although none of these photos were explicit, each one was enough to make him jealous out of control.

Yes, jealousy.

Although he didn't want to admit this emotion.

However, from the very beginning, all the dark emotions that he deliberately ignored and suppressed in the depths roared out...

Ning Xi's words back then ran rampant in his blood, tearing at every nerve of his...

"Lu Tingxiao, actually, I told you from the very beginning that I already have someone I like, very! Very! Very much!

Although for some reason I can't be with him, but he will be in my heart for the rest of my life, full of it, no one can replace him, and there is no extra space.

No matter how good and perfect that person is, it won't work, do you understand? "

As soon as the phone screen changed, a call came in suddenly, interrupting his thoughts.

The gloomy look on Lu Tingxiao's face faded like a tide, and he picked up the phone lightly, walked to the back of the house, and connected the call.


"Boss, the ghost has been caught! He almost committed suicide by taking poison. Fortunately, Boss, you reminded him in advance, and now the man has been successfully controlled!"

"Understood, I will come back tomorrow, and I will interrogate myself."


Lu Tingxiao hung up the phone, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The photos in that anonymous email are definitely not accessible to ordinary people. No matter who the other party is, his goal has been achieved.

Even though he clearly knew that the other party sent those photos on purpose to intensify the conflict between him and that person...


In the middle of the night, in the Bieyuan in the suburbs of Beijing.

Qiao Yi slapped the table and stood up with a terrible look of anger on his face, "What did you say?"

The subordinate who came to report tremblingly replied, "The black dragon...was it is under the control of Lu Tingxiao's people..."

"Trash!" The man's face was extremely gloomy, "Have you sent someone over?"

Cold sweat was dripping on the forehead of his subordinates, "Go! But... I missed it, the person has been transferred, and even if I find it, I'm afraid I can't save him, the guards are too strict..."

Qiao Yi naturally knew this, otherwise he wouldn't be so annoyed.

Black Dragon is the code name of one of their insiders in the Lu Corporation, and it is their deepest buried pawn. It currently has a very high status in the Lu Corporation and has provided them with countless important information. However, at the same time, Black Dragon also controls their There are countless secrets around.

Once the black dragon fell into Lu Tingxiao's hands, the consequences would be disastrous.

No, I have to think of a way to rescue him, and if I can't, I absolutely have to silence him before he speaks...

Qiao Yi paced back and forth in the room, "Go and call Xiaoxiao back, and ask her to come back immediately after suspending the mission!"

"Yes!" The subordinate hurriedly took orders and retreated.

At this time, a lazy voice came from the door, "It's just a waste of effort."

"Ah Shen..." Qiao Yi looked at the person coming.

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