Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1666 Unconditional Assist

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Mo Lingtian repeatedly looked at the sentence and the photo on the phone, over and over again.

The style of that painting looks like it was drawn by Xiaobao, and the person in the painting should be Ning Tianxin.

There is always a banquet in the world... What do you mean?

At this time, he noticed that Ning Xi's location at the moment showed the Imperial Capital Airport.

After seeing the location clearly, Mo Lingtian's fingers trembled slightly, and before his brain reacted, his body had already rushed out.

"Hey? Mo Lingtian! Where are you going?"

"Why is this guy going?"

"I do not know!"


All the voices disappeared behind him, Mo Lingtian went downstairs and got into the car as fast as he could.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Mo Lingtian glanced at the message again from the corner of his eye, and was about to start the engine, but his expression froze, and he stopped all his movements suddenly.

Ning Xi's post was posted an hour ago...

This means...she may have already left...

Even if she was lucky that she hadn't left yet, it was the morning rush hour, and it would take at least two hours from here to the airport, no matter what, he couldn't catch up.

In an instant, Mo Lingtian felt as if he had suddenly fallen from a high cliff, and the feeling of weightlessness mixed with dizziness swept him away in an instant.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the man is still holding his phone and lying on the steering wheel, motionless, the place where the heart beats in his chest seems to have been hollowed out, and the cold wind howls through.

It seems that until this moment, he really realized that the girl who stopped at the same spot no matter when he turned around had really completely left his life...


After leaving the airport.

Ning Xi was still thinking about Ning Tianxin, "Darling, let me ask you, what is Qin Mufeng like? Is he reliable?"

"Good character, simple private life, family environment and parents' thinking are more inclusive and enlightened."

Lu Tingxiao covered all of Ning Xi's concerns in a few simple sentences.

Ning Xi's expression softened a little, "Hey, I hope this guy will work harder! I don't know how good his flirting skills are, but he's also a psychology student! If it doesn't work, you can ask him to ask me, and I'll teach him! Anyway! As long as it's not Mo Zhaza, as long as it's sincere to my sister Tianxin, I will assist you unconditionally!"

Lu Tingxiao couldn't help but look at her who was more anxious than Qin Mufeng, "This kind of thing can't be rushed, I'd better leave it to your sister to figure it out."

"I know..." Ning Xi sighed.

I can't blame her for being so anxious, because she knows Ning Tianxin's personality too well. With her personality, the last thing she wants is to hurt others. alone...

After finally being able to come out and get together with Xiao Baozi, Ning Xi tried her best to cheer up, "Honey, where do you want to go to play today?"

"Mom, can I go to the amusement park?"

"Of course!"

In this respect, Xiao Baozi is exactly like an ordinary child. Whenever she is free, she will take her to various places where children play, and even let her take her to KFC once. The reason is that she saw other children love to go.

The little bun gradually blended into the crowd and became like an ordinary child. Ning Xi was naturally the happiest.

The family of three played around all day, and then happily returned home with great satisfaction.

"Mom, let's go to the roof to look at the stars, shall we?" After arriving home, Xiao Baozi suddenly raised his head, his eyes were unusually bright, and asked.

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