Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1669 Stupid Human

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

These days, Ning Xi took advantage of her free time after wrapping up, and took time every day to carefully prepare a nutritious and delicious caring lunch for Xiaobao to take to school. During this period of time, Xiao Baozi has really worked too hard. It is obviously an adult's business, but he has to be troubled by a child.

Hope this all ends soon...

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The entire Lu family mobilized, and the long-prepared "Ladies Tea Party" finally began.

In order to welcome the ladies and daughters, the entire old house has been renovated. It is simple and quiet, and it is exquisite and grand. There are all kinds of luxury cars parked at the entrance, and the well-dressed ladies are competing for beauty. , dazzling.

On such a grand day, how could Lu Jingli not come to gossip, no, he came to stare...

At this moment, looking at the exaggerated scene in front of him, Lu Jingli's goosebumps almost rose.

Hey, it's fortunate that his brother was standing in front of him, otherwise all this terrible thing would have fallen on his head.

"Jingli, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and pick up Xiaobao from school!"


"Also, don't stay out of it, take a good look at me today to see if there is any girl I like!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? The wind is too strong, I can't hear—" Lu Jingli elongated his voice exaggeratedly, and ran away without a trace.

Behind him, Yan Ruyi gave her son a helpless look.

Forget it, things have to be dealt with one by one, the most urgent thing now is to solve the matter of Tingxiao.

"Aunt Lu, why haven't you seen Xiaobao?" The well-behaved girl has already come up to make love.

"Little Treasure is still at school, and Jingli has already gone to pick him up! Wait a moment, everyone, go to the courtyard and have some tea first!"

"That's it, it doesn't matter, learning is more important!"


Soon, Xiao Bao was brought back by Lu Jingli.

Although it was not the first time for the ladies and daughters who came here today to see Xiaobao, but seeing the little guy who looked exactly like Lu Tingxiao in terms of appearance and demeanor, they were still cute.

Even though he knew that Lu Tingxiao had a son with an unlucky mother who would become a stepmother when he got married, he couldn't help but like such a cute little Zhengfu.

"The little prince is so cute!"

"If I can have such a cute and cute son, I will wake up laughing from my dreams!"

"It is said that the little prince is actually quite easy to get along with..."


Lu Jingli on the side saw the girls being deceived by Xiaobao's cute appearance one by one, and the corner of his mouth twitched and muttered, "Tsk tsk, stupid human beings! You will cry later..."

Xiao Baozi was very efficient. As soon as he came back, he held the candidates' materials that he had prepared a lot these days, and said to his grandparents, "Grandpa, grandma, you can start."

"You just got home, don't you need to rest for a while?" Lu Chongshan said with some distress.

"No need, Grandpa, Xiao Bao is not tired, it's important to do business." Xiao Baozi looked serious.

Lu Chongshan nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, listen to Xiaobao, then let's start! Are the rules still the same as we discussed before?"

Xiao Bao nodded, "Well, I will come up with the questions. The questions vary from person to person. I will make the questions on the spot according to the situation. Those who pass the answer can stay and enter the next round."

"Okay!" Lu Chongshan hastily called the butler and asked him to inform everyone that it was time to start.

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