Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 168 Really Want to Steal Home

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After reading the call log, Ning Xi continued to read the text messages, and was taken aback when she found one of them.

[Honey, I really underestimated your guts. ]

Sender: YS

What does this guy mean by sending such a sentence to her? What did she do?

Lu Tingxiao deleted the call log, so Ning Xi naturally didn't know that there was a call between the two men that night.

"What's wrong?" Lu Tingxiao asked seeing her expression was wrong.

"It's okay..." Ning Xi didn't respond when the man lost his nerve again, she put down her phone and asked, "When will Xiaobao come?"

"It should be here soon."

Upon hearing this, Ning Xi touched her hair subconsciously, "Where's the hairpin that Xiaobao gave me?"

"Here, I put it away for you earlier." Lu Tingxiao opened the drawer of the bedside table and handed her the pink hairpin.

Ning Xi immediately put it on happily.

Looking at the hairpin on Ning Xi's head, a trace of regret flashed across Lu Tingxiao's heart. He knew that he shouldn't have given her a gun. If he gave her a necklace, bracelet and earrings, she could still wear it next to her body.

In fact, he had already prepared a gift, a ring, but it was a pity that it was not the time to give it.

The two were talking when there was a knock on the door.

Ning Xi scrambled out of bed to open the door, and sure enough it was Little Treasure.

"Baby you are here!"

After Xiaobao came in, he didn't do anything, but hurriedly pulled her clothes with his small hands, as if trying to make her lower down.

"What's the matter?" Ning Xi squatted down.

Xiao Bao immediately knocked his little head on her forehead with a serious expression on his face.

Ning Xi couldn't help laughing, "Pfft, baby, are you taking my temperature? Don't worry, I just took the temperature and the fever has subsided!"

Xiaobao still looked worried, looking at the bruises left by the needle on the back of her hand with distress.

Ning Xi hugged the little guy in her arms, and patted it comfortingly, "Don't frown, the pain will disappear as soon as Auntie sees you!"

It is simply a healing artifact, I really want to steal it home.

"Want to go for a walk?" Lu Tingxiao suggested.

"Okay, okay!" It happened that she had slept all day and wanted to move around, so it wouldn't be good for Xiaobao to accompany her to stay bored in the ward.

When the three of them went to take the elevator, they passed a ward. There was a lot of noise outside the door of the ward, and there were layers of journalists with long guns and short guns, all of whom were vying to interview the women in the ward:

"Xueluo, may I ask if you have contacted Ning Xi now?"

"Not yet, there has been no news of her."

"Ning Xi fled in fear of crime. Do you have anything to say about this? What are you going to do next?"

"I...I don't know...I still can't believe she would do such a thing..."

"I heard that Ning's International and Xinghui Entertainment have withdrawn their capital to protest, right? Is there any response from the crew? Will Ning Xi be replaced?"

"I don't know about this, you can ask the person in charge of the crew."

"If Ning Xi showed up to apologize to you, would you forgive her?"

"If she is sincerely repentant, I can personally forgive her for being confused for a while, but the bad influence she caused on the entertainment industry cannot be solved by apologizing, and it is not my turn to forgive her!"


Ning Xi saw Ning Xueluo's white lotus show by accident, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She only found out now that she and Ning Xueluo lived in the same hospital, on the same ward.

At this moment, someone among the reporters suddenly noticed Ning Xi's direction at the opposite elevator entrance, and suddenly exclaimed, "Ning Xi—"

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