Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1693 Don't forget she is Tang Xi

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The little bun on the side screamed in panic, and cried so hard that he couldn't breathe while hugging Ning Xi who was rolling all over the floor, "Mom..."

The guard finally couldn't stand anymore, "I'll go in and have a look!"

Before his companions could speak, he said coldly, "The woman's superiors ordered her to be kept. If something happens to you, you will be responsible for it?"

The companion snorted and reminded mockingly, "That's Tang Xi! And don't forget, she's an actress!"

The companion said, and added, "And, he is a very good actor!"

He obviously knew Ning Xi's information very well.

The guard who was about to go in heard this, and hesitantly took back his steps, but continued to pay attention to the movement inside with his peripheral vision.

"Mom... Please save my mother!!!"

The child cried heart-rendingly, and threw himself in front of the iron gate, begging them to save his mother, making people like them, who had undergone special training and cold-hearted, couldn't help but frown.

At the same time, the woman lying on the floor twitched less and less frequently, and the corners of her mouth began to bleed continuously, and finally her body remained motionless...

Finally, the expressions of the two guards outside the door all changed.

One of them opened the door and rushed in, while the other guarded the door with a gun in his hand.

The guard who rushed in quickly walked up to Ning Xi, kicked her, and then bent down to check her situation.

At this moment, a sudden change happened. The man's feet were swept away by a strong force, and he fell to the ground on his back with a "boom". In the next second, the eyes of the woman whose forehead was dripping with blood and the corners of her mouth were still bleeding were as cold as piercing eyes. Han Bing, covering the child's eyes with one hand, twisted the man's wrist holding the gun with the other hand, aimed at the guard outside the door, pressed down the man's finger, pulled the trigger, and with a "poof", the bullet from the silencer gun sank into it. Between the guard's eyebrows, the guard maintained the posture of holding a gun and preparing to shoot at her, and fell to the ground with round eyes...

There was another "poof" sound of bullets entering the body, and another guard was also shot in the heart by her blow.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and there were only two corpses left in the room.

Yes, she is Tang Xi, and she is an excellent actress.

So what if they knew exactly what she was doing?

The real acting skill is... no matter how well you know it, you will still forget that she is acting the moment she enters the play.

"Mom..." Xiaobao pulled away her mother's palm, and glanced coldly at the two corpses on the ground, without the slightest hint of timidity in her eyes.

However, when he looked at his mother, he immediately rushed over with a face full of grievances, "Mom, you are fine..."

"Mom is fine. Mom lied to them. I'm sorry for worrying the baby!" Ning Xi put the gun on the back of her trousers and quickly picked up Xiaobao. Then she found a piece of rope from one of the guards and held Xiaobao firmly. tied in front of his body.

"Don't be afraid, baby, Mom will take you out of here!" Just as Ning Xi was finishing this, a piercing siren sounded in the empty room, and at the same time, a dazzling red light glowed on the two corpses.

"Damn it!" Ning Xi's face changed suddenly, she stared at the red light.

I didn't expect that there would be sensors on the two of them. Once the person wearing the sensor died or the heart rate and blood pressure of the body were abnormal, it would automatically connect to the system and send out an alarm.

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