Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1704 Waiting to be a Young Mistress

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Could it be that Xiaobao is dead! ?

Hearing this, Guan Ziyao, Guan Ziyao, and Guan Mu all looked at Lu Chongshan together.

Lu Chongshan's face was very ugly, and he replied ambiguously: "Xiaobao's situation is still unclear, Tingxiao has already gone to find someone."

Still not sure?

That is... Life and death are uncertain, is it more or less auspicious?

Guan Rui's eyes twinkled slightly, and he said with a sad face, "It's also our fault that Ziyao is a girl and timid. She couldn't help at that time. After returning home, she blamed herself for a long time, and she was really worried, so I came here." I just wanted to ask about the situation, I'm really sorry!"

Guan Zihao also comforted, "Uncle Lu, we are all very sad about Xiaobao, please take care of your health, the entire Lu family and company still rely on you! If you need help from me, Uncle Lu Just mention it, we will do our best to help whoever can help!"

"Thank you, but I don't need it for the time being. I'm sorry, it's inconvenient to entertain guests today. Please come back first." Lu Chongshan said a few words casually, and then asked someone to see the guests off.


Outside the gate of Lu's house.

After getting into the car, Guan Mu's face immediately changed, and she looked at the wound on Guan Ziyao's body with distress, "Damn it! That Yan Ruyi was born as a daughter of a famous family! How can this be a noble lady? She is simply a shrew! You See if you can beat us Ziyao? It's too ruthless!"

"Forget it, the only precious grandson of the family died, and it's normal to go crazy." Guan Rui said, his tone sounded in a good mood.

"Didn't you say you still don't know? How do you know you're dead?" Mother Guan asked.

"Don't you know Lu Chongshan's personality yet? You must have taken time to keep Lu Tingxiao a secret in order to keep the company, and then forced the other party to tear up the ticket. Otherwise, why do you think Yan Ruyi is so excited? Something must have happened, it's too bad! "Guan Rui opened his mouth and analyzed.

"Then... what about Ning Xi?" Guan Ziyao touched her red and swollen cheek with a gloomy expression, and then asked.

Guan Zihao on the side said, "The little prince is dead, how can she survive as an insignificant person? Naturally, she died earlier!"

"But, that woman is very skilled... Could something bad happen?" Guan Ziyao worried.

Guan Zihao raised his eyebrows, "Are you joking? No matter how powerful that woman is, she is only one person, and she is still a woman. What can she do in the face of a group of kidnappers? You just wait to be your young mistress of the Lu family!"

"However, what happened this time made Auntie Lu feel so alienated from me..." Guan Ziyao was full of worry.

Guan's mother said nonchalantly, "Silly girl, she is just too sad to have lost her grandson. Later, when you give her another one, how can she not like it? Why don't she hold you like a treasure! Zigui, these four words can work anywhere!

That's why I said that Lu Tingxiao's illegitimate son must never be kept! The Lu family attaches great importance to this child, and all the family property will be left to him in the future. Wouldn't it be a big loss for us to marry the Lu family? Even if nothing happened to the child this time, we will definitely find a way to get rid of it in the future. This time it really saves trouble, and it kills two birds with one stone, even that woman! "

Guan Zihao smiled and said, "Mother is right, sister, don't worry, let's go back to celebrate tonight! We should be able to hear the 'good news' about that brat tomorrow!"

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