Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1711 We have tried our best to rescue

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Yeah, and that girl..." Yan Ruyi also suddenly remembered.

"You take care of Xiaobao, I'll go down and have a look." Lu Chongshan gave Xiaobao a reluctant look, then touched the little guy's warm face, and then left with Lu Jingli, heading downstairs.

Yan Ruyi looked at the backs of the two leaving, with a worried look on her face.


When Lu Chongshan and Lu Jingli went downstairs, the red light in the operating room was on, and Ning Xi was still inside to rescue them.

"How is that girl?" Lu Chongshan asked.

Lu Tingxiao had been sitting on the cold bench since just now, with his head down, motionless, and he didn't respond to his father's words.

Tang Lang next to him replied with a cold snort, "Arms, abdomen, left and right legs and calves were shot everywhere, the shoulder blade was crushed and fractured, three ribs were broken, and the head suffered..."

Every time Tang Lang said a word, Lu Chongshan's face turned paler. He saw the girl's injury with his own eyes from the video, so how could he not be clear.

Lu Jingli didn't know what to say, so he could only walk up to Lu Tingxiao, and put his palm on his stiff shoulders to comfort him, "Sister-in-law is lucky, she will be fine!"

Lu Tingxiao still didn't respond.

Lu Jingli knew that he would not listen to any comfort at the moment, so after a few words of persuasion, he let him stay quietly.

My brother didn't speak, Tang Lang was a powder keg, Lu Jingli was in a hurry, and when he saw Annie in the corner, he hurried over as if he saw a savior, "Hey, you are my sister-in-law's friend, that little girl named Annie God doctor!"

Annie nodded, looking blank and absent-minded.

"My is she? With you around, she will be fine, right?" Lu Jingli asked with a full face.

Annie glanced at him and replied flatly, "I can't help much."

No matter how powerful her methods are, she can't replace the modern medical system, not to mention that the mysterious man treated Brother Xi perfectly. She thinks that even she can't do it so well. People, simply can't make it to the hospital.

After saying this, the girl said nothing, but continued to stare in the direction of the operating room.

Lu Jingli looked into Annie's eyes, and inexplicably saw an ominous sign deep in those eyes...


Time passed bit by bit...

The operation lasted from late at night until dawn.

At six o'clock in the morning, with a bang, the red light in the operating room dimmed, and the door of the operating room finally opened from the inside.

First two surgical assistants came out, followed by the chief surgeon.

The doctor was drenched in sweat, and the surgical gown was sticking to his body wetly. After he came out, he took off the mask on his face, showing a painful expression.

As soon as they saw the doctor's expression, everyone's heart skipped a beat subconsciously.

At this moment, Yan Ruyi had already rushed over, and she was chanting sutras and praying with her hands folded and her eyes closed. When she saw the doctor came out, she immediately went up and asked, "Doctor, how is the operation going? How is the child?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the doctor thought about his words and said, "I'm sorry, we tried our best to rescue and the operation was successful, but the patient was injured too badly, and he still couldn't wake up. The patient is no longer breathing spontaneously. Brainstem reflexes and brain waves disappear..."

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