Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1715 That's his mother

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Downstairs, in the VIP ward.

"Xiaobao...wake up... Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Grandma has someone make it for you!"

"Little Treasure, is there any discomfort on your body? Tell Grandpa!"


Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan carefully helped Xiaobao up, and stood in front of the hospital bed, talking to each other and asking nervously.

On the hospital bed, the little guy had already changed into clean hospital clothes, and sat there quietly, with a small Band-Aid on the scratch on the back of his hand, no expression on his pale little face, his eyes slowly falling On Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan who had been talking to him.

This is what Lu Jingli and Lu Tingxiao saw when they rushed over.

The two old people had been talking to their children worryingly, and Xiao Bao, who was surrounded by them, sat quietly on the bed, his little face was expressionless, his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, without any brilliance in it, as if only a shell remained. it's here.

"Jingli, Tingxiao... Come and take a look at Xiaobao! What's wrong with Xiaobao? After waking up, he's been in a daze, without any response! He doesn't even answer!" Yan Ruyi's face was full. panic.

Lu Jingli walked over to hug the little guy, and patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Bao, don't be afraid, it's fine, you're safe, and no bad guy will hurt you again! Look, grandpa, grandma, and We are all here! Everyone will protect you!"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Xing Wu hurried in with several layers of food boxes, "Ma'am, the food is ready!"

"Okay, bring it here quickly!" Yan Ruyi hurriedly took it over, "Xiao Bao, I must be hungry after not eating for so long, would you like something to eat?"

"Yes, yes, yes, eat something first!"

Several people were busy for most of the day, but no matter what they said or did, the little guy on the hospital bed looked numb and never responded.

Yan Ruyi's hand holding the food box trembled, and burst into tears, "What can I do..."

Lu Chongshan closed his eyes, his face full of depression.

After all, he still harmed Xiaobao...

Originally, under the patient company of that girl, Little Treasure had fully recovered, and became so lively, terrifying, so clever, but now he abruptly turned into a worse appearance than before...

Lu Jingli said with red eyes, "Little Treasure must know. He knows that Xiao Xixi is for him...he doesn't want to wake up, so he can not face these things..."

In the ward, the atmosphere was stagnant.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Tingxiao, who hadn't said anything, walked to the hospital bed, silently looked at his son with empty eyes, "I'll take you to see her."

Yan Ruyi became anxious when she heard it, and said in a low voice, "How can I do that!"

Lu Chongshan also frowned and said, "Little Treasure has been frightened so much, the situation is bad enough now, if you see that girl like this..."

Lu Tingxiao leaned over and picked up his son on the hospital bed, "Sooner or later he will have to face it."

"But... this is too cruel..." Although Yan Ruyi knew that this matter could not be concealed, she still couldn't bear it.

Lu Tingxiao carried his son back upstairs to Ning Xi's ward.

At the door, Lu Tingxiao gently put his son down.

The little guy stood at the door, his eyes mechanically fell on the hospital bed in the middle of the room.

Lying on the hospital bed was a woman with a pale face, bandages all over her body, a respirator on her face, and countless complicated threads and tubes attached to her body, which looked terrible.

The scary person lying on the hospital bed was his mother.

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