Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1717 I'm afraid of long nights and dreams

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off home.

"How is it? Did you find out? What's the situation?" Seeing her son's return, Guan's mother asked eagerly.

Guan Ziyao on the side also looked over nervously, "Brother, how are Xiaobao and that woman doing?"

Guan Mu muttered with an unfriendly expression, "This life is too big, it can be saved like this!"

Guan Rui sat there unhurriedly, "What are you in a hurry for? Listen to Zihao speak slowly!"

Guan Zihao took off his coat, drank half a cup of tea, and replied, "Mom, Ziyao, don't worry, although the person was rescued, the result is the same, these two people have no threat to us anymore! "

"No more threats? What do you mean...was it disabled by those people? I heard that those people are all desperadoes, and they are the best at torturing people one by one!" Guan Mu asked.

"It's more serious than that. That vixen has directly become a vegetable. As for Lu Tingxiao's illegitimate son, I asked the people in the hospital. It is said that he was too frightened. After waking up, he didn't speak or eat or drink. Like a wooden man, the situation is worse than before, and it is basically useless!" Guan Zihao explained to them in detail.

Hearing this, Guan's father and mother were all overjoyed, "Are you serious? Is the news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable! Later, you can prepare to go over there to visit the sick and take care of the situation!" Guan Zihao said firmly.

When Guan Ziyao heard this, his expression immediately relaxed, but he was still a bit worried, "If you are in a vegetable state, it is possible to wake up, right?"

Guan's mother was also anxious, "Yes, yes, what if that woman wakes up? That little bitch is very capable, if she wakes up and coaxes Xiaobao well again, wouldn't all previous efforts be for naught?"

Guan Zihao said nonchalantly, "How can it be so easy to wake up in a vegetable? Besides, that woman was seriously injured, so the chance of waking up is very small! Even if she is lucky, maybe it will be ten or eight years later, and Lu Tingxiao is not Stupid, would you waste a lot of time waiting for a vegetable? Even if he is willing, it depends on whether Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi are willing!"

"I'm afraid... the night is long and the dream is full..." Guan Rui pondered, then looked at his wife and Guan Ziyao and said, "Ziyao, you and your mother are going to the hospital now, first to check the situation, and second The meaning over there!"

Guan Ziyao subconsciously touched the unhealed scratches on her body, with a gloomy expression, a little reluctant, "Shall I go now? But Aunt Lu has such a big opinion on me, last time..."

Guan's mother hurriedly took her daughter's hand and persuaded, "Didn't Mom tell you last time? This is all temporary. When you give birth to a big fat boy for the Lu family, everything will be resolved! Now you just bear with it, No matter what Yan Ruyi thinks, at a time like this, we have to express our attitude, you have to convince her that you did it unintentionally, and you are also very guilty, and you must never let her think that you deliberately harmed Xiaobao... ..."

Obviously Guan's mother also knows that this is the biggest taboo of the Lu family, and she must never touch it, otherwise there will be no chance at all.

Guan Rui nodded, "Your mother is right, Ziyao, go, if you can't bear it, you will make trouble!"

At this time, Guan Zhichen rushed out of the room, "I'll go too! I'll go too! Is that little dumb kid becoming a fool again? I want to see it!"

"Don't mess around, what are you going to do, don't irritate others again!"

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