Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1724 Unable to resist the temptation

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According to what the chef said, it was about Xiaobao's food poisoning last time.

Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan's expressions suddenly changed. They always thought that something was wrong with Ning Xi, but they never thought that the problem was with them?

It's not that someone put drugs in the food, but the chef tampered with Xiaobao's special lunch box!

Guan Rui took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and then said, "It turns out that the last time Xiaobao was poisoned, it was the cook's tricks!"

Guan Zihao's eyes narrowed, "What I want to talk about now is the affairs of our two families. Why did you get this person out?"

Lu Jingli smiled and said, "Why is Mr. Guan so anxious? Take your time!"

Yan Ruyi looked at the cook, and suddenly trembled with anger, "Master Chen! You have been working in our Lu family for more than ten years, and our Lu family treats you well. Who is it and how much benefit has it given you? Such a wolf-hearted thing! You clearly know that Xiaobao is my life!"

"Old Madam... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for you... I'm sorry, master... I... I'm obsessed! It's that Ning Xi... That Ning Xi slept with me all night and gave me a A lot of money coaxed me to do these things, saying that I would never be found out, I...I couldn't resist the temptation, so I took the risk..."

"What did you say!?" Yan Ruyi's expression changed immediately.

Lu Chongshan's face was also slightly condensed, but he didn't react too much. He still sat there quietly. Since Tingxiao called Master Chen over on purpose, it must not be that simple.

"Old lady, master, and young master, my words are absolutely true, I dare not say a single lie! It was really that Ning Xi who asked me to do this! If I lie, I will be struck by lightning! Give me Even with a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to tell lies again!" Master Chen swore.

Guan's mother shook her head with sarcasm when she heard it, "I don't hesitate to kill a child to achieve my goal, but... actually even sleeps with a cook... This is simply..."

Just then, the door opened again.

A woman walks in.

"Is it her?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

The cook stared at the man at the door, and immediately nodded, "It's her! The big star Ning Xi!"

After seeing the woman at the door, Yan Ruyi and Lu Chongshan were immediately surprised, Ning Xi? How can it be?

Ning Xi was obviously still lying unconscious on the bed right now!

So this woman is...

Yan Ruyi recalled for a moment, " this woman the same Su Yimo who had plastic surgery to look like Ning Xi?"

"That's right, it's her." Lu Jingli nodded.

Yan Ruyi patted her frightened chest, "No wonder I don't think this woman's eyes are right..."

"Mom, you have sharp eyes!" Lu Jingli complimented.

"Don't be silly! So, the person who ordered this chef is actually Su Yimo?" Yan Ruyi asked.

At this time, Guan Zihao said quietly, "That's not necessarily true! Anyway, these two people look exactly the same, who can tell who is who? Who knows if it was Boss Lu who deliberately went to this woman to clear Ning Xi's name?" Planted on the head?"

Guan's mother also echoed, "What do you mean by calling someone over and letting us see these nonsense things without talking about business?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at Lu Jingli. Lu Jingli received his brother's gaze, picked up his phone, and clicked on a recording, "The following recording may not be suitable for young children...but fortunately, we are not underage... ..."

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