Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1727 Come to pick up our lady

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What did you say? You want to take Xiao Xi away?" Yan Ruyi turned pale with shock.

"Who! Dare to rob someone on our Lu family's territory!" Lu Chongshan's expression also sank all of a sudden.

Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi didn't have time to go to Guan Guan's house, so they rushed out to check the situation.

Guan Rui and the others behind them glanced at each other and followed silently...

Lu Jingli frowned and muttered, "Wearing a military uniform? Could it be..."

Damn it... if the people over there... it would be terrible...

As soon as he walked out of the reception room, he saw two rows of solemn soldiers in uniforms lined up in the corridor. At the door of Ning Xi's ward, the principal and vice president were standing there, both of them were sweating profusely and looked very flustered.

"Mr. Lu... Mrs. Lu... Look at this...these people suddenly barged in...and said they were ordered to take Miss Ning away...I can't stop..." The dean looked at her in horror. Look at those who seem to have bad intentions.

They have met many people in this line of work, so they can naturally see that these people who came here today are not ordinary people, and they are definitely not easy to mess with.

"Who are you? Who are you ordering?" Lu Chongshan turned to those people coldly and asked sharply.

A young officer in the lead walked up to Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi with strides, and said with a blank expression, "This subordinate is ordered by Major General Zhuang to come pick up our lady!"

As soon as the young officer's voice fell, Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi froze there.

"Major General Zhuang...?" Yan Ruyi looked at her husband in astonishment.

Lu Chongshan's expression suddenly became extremely complicated. It seems that he guessed correctly, he was really from the dealer...

There are only dealers...

Otherwise, who else can have such a big show, dare to drive the army to the hospital in broad daylight to rob people from their Lu family?

Lu Jingli stomped his feet and cursed secretly, "Fuck, it's over!" It turned out to be someone from the dealer...

In the corner, the Guan family who were hiding at the door of the reception room looked at each other in dismay when they saw this scene.

"Major General Zhuang? Which Major General?" Guan Mu whispered.

"Apart from Zhuang Liaoyuan, who else can there be Major General Zhuang in the imperial capital!" Guan Rui's face was a little gloomy.

Guan Ziyao frowned, "What does that officer mean? What does it mean to pick up their lady? He must mean Ning Xi, right? How could Ning Xi have anything to do with the dealer? Dad, didn't you check it out?" , saying that Ning Xi's true identity is from the Ning family, is she Ning Yaohua's daughter?"

"I did check it, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! Didn't this matter break out later?" Guan Rui frowned.

Guan Zihao gritted his teeth sullenly, "How could that lowly woman have anything to do with the Zhuang family, tsk, it must have some dirty relationship with Zhuang Liaoyuan..."

Guan's mother repeatedly echoed, "It must be like this! Otherwise, what could be the reason? Or it's something wrong!"


At this moment, after hearing the other party's answer and knowing that the other party was from the Zhuang family, Lu Chongshan said in a deep voice, "Comrade, please tell Major General Zhuang that our Lu family will take full responsibility for Miss Ning!"

At this moment, behind everyone came an old but heavy voice like Hong Zhong——

"Hmph! Your Lu family is fully responsible? Dare I ask what status and qualifications your Lu family has to take charge of my granddaughter Zhuang Zongren!"

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