Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1730 Overwhelming Combat Strength

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Rongguang twisted Guan Zihao and kicked him on the ground, his lungs were about to explode, "Thank you so much! What sincere compensation! It's all bullshit! My cousin is not dead yet! You are already in a hurry to find another son for me!" Yes! Do you want to make a kiss in front of her ward door in the future?"

"Ah——" Guan Zihao's wrist was about to be broken, and he yelled in pain, "No! It's none of our business! The Lu family betrayed their promises and called our family to break the engagement!"


Break up the engagement?

Not only the dealer, but even Lu Chongshan and Yan Ruyi were stunned when they heard this.

Guan Rui purposely glanced at the dealer, then revealed a disappointed look, and said sarcastically, "I wonder why Brother Lu is so unfeeling all of a sudden... I see..."

Guan's mother took the opportunity to yell in a sharp voice, "Okay, Lu Chongshan, I said that you promised to say it well, why did you suddenly want to break off the engagement with our family! It turns out that you have climbed a high branch! The granddaughter of the Zhuang family in the imperial capital , Of course it’s not comparable to a small family like us! Lu Chongshan, you have a good plan!"

Seeing that the Guan family was talking nonsense and turning the truth upside down, Guan Ziyao still stood there with an aggrieved expression, as if the Lu family really betrayed them, and Lu Chongshan was so angry that he almost fell ill again. At this moment, he really saw it clearly. The face of this family.

But Yan Ruyi immediately stood up and slapped Guan's mother on the face, "I slapped this slap for my little treasure!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped again, "I slapped you on behalf of Xi girl! It's in vain that Chongshan and I have always regarded your Guan family as family friends, and believed so much in your family's character and upbringing that we didn't even care about Tingxiao. He already has someone he likes, and he tried to match Tingxiao with your daughter over and over again!

But what about you... It wasn't until today, until today when Tingxiao presented evidence and exposed everything, that I didn't know that Chongshan and I have been trusting so much all these years, and that the people who have been in touch with each other like relatives are a family of jackals!

You keep saying that you are innocent and kind, but you do all kinds of dirty things behind your back, frame Xiaoxi, hurt Xiaobao, plan how to seize the Lu family's property before you get through the door, and now you still slander me for having a marriage contract with your Guan family?

At that time, the Lu family was in distress. I really hoped that the two families could get married as soon as possible. Not only did Tingxiao find a girl for him without telling him, but I even visited your house several times to inquire about your family's intentions. But what is your attitude? Seeing that the situation of the Lu family was not clear at that time, they kept pushing and blocking!

Now that the company's affairs have been settled, and Xiaoxi almost gave her life to save Xiaobao, do you think about it now? Do you really think our Lu family are all fools?

I tell you! Not to mention that girl is unconscious now, even if she never wakes up for the rest of her life, I, Yan Ruyi, only recognize her as my daughter-in-law! ! ! "

Yan Ruyi's words echoed in the corridor... for a long time...

Lu Jingli on the side was dumbfounded, simply amazed.

Depend on! Mother-in-law's fighting power is beyond the charts today!

You know, his mother pays most attention to image, she has a weak and gentle personality, and she rarely speaks loudly, but now she is so powerful...

Sure enough, I answered that sentence... a woman is weak, but a mother is strong...

"Do you want me to release the dirty evidence of your family in front of Chief Zhuang and Old General Zhuang?" Yan Ruyi scolded coldly, then looked at her younger son, "Jingli!"

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