Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1738 There is one who can definitely be contacted

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Shengshi Entertainment, in Lin Zhizhi's office.

Xiaotao knocked on the door out of breath and came in, "Sister Zhizhi! Brother Xi's house... and places where Brother Xi might go...I still haven't found anyone..."

"Not here?" Ling Zhizhi's expression darkened upon hearing this.

During this period of time, Ning Xi's dramas were one after another, and she almost never took a break. After "Thunderbolt's Secret Service" was finished, she gave Ning Xi a short vacation to let her have a good rest.

Although she was on vacation, in case there was any emergency, she specifically reminded Ning Xi as before that she must have a mobile phone and other contact methods.

Ning Xi had always been very measured in this regard, and basically would not let her worry about it. Unexpectedly, something went wrong this time.

"Nine Heavens" premiered tonight. Originally, she asked Xiaotao to call Ning Xi, and asked Ning Xi to post on Weibo to promote the interaction and boost the ratings. She didn't want Ning Xi's mobile phone and her landline at home to be disconnected, so Xiaotao was worried. Ning Xi's home was searched but there was no one there, and later even the places she frequented were nowhere to be seen.

Xiaotao wiped off her sweat, "Yes, I've searched everywhere! What should I do now, Sister Zhizhi? Something happened to Brother Xi, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Oh..." Xiaotao hurriedly fell silent, then her eyes lit up, and she tentatively suggested, "Sister Zhizhi, there is someone... who can definitely contact Brother Xi!"


"Big boss!" Xiaotao blurted out, "Why don't you call the big boss and ask?"

Ling Zhizhi's eyes narrowed slightly, that person's identity was too special, and she was just a small manager, so it would be inappropriate to call directly to ask Ning Xi's whereabouts.

After thinking twice, Ling Zhizhi made a call.

It took about seven or eight rings before the phone was finally connected, and a sleepy voice came, "Brother Lin... If you don't have a reasonable reason to wake me up..."

"Ning Xi is missing, is there a way for you to contact her?" Ling Zhizhi asked straight to the point.

The other end of the phone was quiet for two seconds, and then the man's voice clearly became clearer, "What does it mean that Ning Xi is missing?"

"Nine Heavens" will premiere tonight. I was going to ask her to post a Weibo, but her phone and cell phone are not connected, and there is no one at home or in the places she frequents." Ling Zhizhi quickly explained the situation.

"Tsk, this guy...has he been hiding somewhere to drink again? He didn't even invite me to drink..." Jiang Muye muttered.

"Ning Xi is not such a careless person," Ling Zhizhi said.

"Please, have you forgotten the last time she was so loud that she almost caused a fan riot at the bar?" Jiang Muye directly exposed the old story.

"I'm just afraid that something will happen to her..."

"Thinking too much, even if something happens, it's someone else's problem, okay?" Jiang Muye complained speechlessly. Hearing Lin Zhizhi's anxious tone, he said generously, "Okay, let me look for it for you!"

"Okay, please help me to see if she is with Mr. Lu."

"Oh..." Just as Jiang Muye finished speaking, he froze for a second, "Damn it! You... how do you know about her and my uncle?"

"That's not the point."

"Why is that not the point? Damn it! I'm still pointing at this matter to pinch that damn girl! She's afraid of being discovered by you, okay! There's nothing to play with now..." Jiang Muye looked sore tone of voice.

"..." Ling Zhizhi was speechless.

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