Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1764 General solutions can't solve it

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Come on! Come on! The doctor—"

After the chaos, Lu Tingxiao was placed on the hospital bed next door, and everyone in the Zhuang family was alarmed.

Seeing the doctor examining Lu Tingxiao with a frown, Lu Jingli looked around anxiously, "What's wrong with my brother? Where did he ask the wrong question?"

The old expert who looked very old put down his stethoscope and cursed sullenly, "It's nonsense! Is there such a thing that ruins your body? You should ask him what's wrong! His stomach is pierced like this Well, it's been at least two months, and he still hasn't seen a doctor, his body is so depleted, and after a few more months, he won't be much better than the girl lying on the bed next door!"

Lu Jingli's face was pale, and he was on the verge of crying, "Since Xiao Xixi fell into a brother has hardly slept...I've tried my best to keep an eye on him every day...for fear that something will happen to him... ...But I... really can't persuade him... I also know that no one can persuade him...he can't control himself at all..."

Hearing Lu Jingli's words, the old expert and Zhuang Zongren behind him all sighed.

Although Zhuang Liaoyuan still had a straight face, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Especially seeing Xiaobao with a restless face guarding his father's bedside...

At the beginning, he really had prejudices against the father and son, and he even couldn't understand his father's decision. But during this period of time, he saw Xiaobao's intentions for Ning Xi, and looked at Lu Tingxiao who didn't have any feelings for him. Changes, but quickly become thin and haggard, and even become what it is now...

The dissatisfaction in my heart has somewhat dissipated.

Even if Xiaoxi didn't love her in vain...

He claimed to be her uncle, her relative, and he hadn't done anything for her after all, so he was not qualified to comment on her choice.

Lu Jingli choked with sobs, "Actually, I've known for a long time that although he seems to be fine on the surface, he might fall down at any time if the wind blows... He couldn't hold on long ago...but he has been... holding on By now..."

Until the day when Ning Xi had been in a coma for three months, the last nerve that supported him completely collapsed.

During this period of time, it was not only Ning Xi's coma that weighed on him, but also his self-blame and deep-seated regret, each of which was gnawing at all his spirit and bone marrow...

Lu Jingli clenched his fists tightly, stood up abruptly, bent down and bowed deeply, "My brother, please take care of me first, I'll come as soon as I go!"

He knows that this is a heart disease, which cannot be solved by ordinary methods.

He had to... had to think of a way...

Otherwise, if this goes on like this, before Xiao Xixi wakes up, his brother may have already fallen down first!

Not long after Lu Jingli left, Lu Tingxiao woke up quickly, and the first thing he did was check the time on his phone.

Seeing Lu Tingxiao sit up suddenly, the old doctor next to him quickly said with a stern face, "Lie down!"

This old doctor was the same Dr. Zhao who had helped him to test the relatives of Ning Xi and Xiaobao.

Lu Tingxiao frowned. He didn't even think about his physical condition, and he didn't even ask why he was lying here. He said, "Today, I made an appointment with an expert team to give Xiao Xi another comprehensive examination!"

Doctor Zhao said dissatisfiedly, "Then you lie down for me too, wouldn't they not be able to check without you?"

"Sorry." Lu Tingxiao didn't argue, but just let go of what he was doing and walked out the door.

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