Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1770 She Is Irreplaceable

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lin Zhizhi sighed softly, "Yes! Xiao Xi is really a born actress!"

To reach such a height in such a short period of time, it is no wonder that the entire entertainment circle was so sensationalized and shocked.

Lin Zhizhi hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lu Tingxiao and said, "Boss Lu, the current situation... can no longer be suppressed... Shall we follow our previous plan? Announce Ning Xi's situation?"

After Ling Zhizhi finished speaking, the air fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Jingli frowned and said first, "I suggest not. Brother, you don't know the entertainment industry, so you feel that with Xiao Xixi's character, you should tell the fans the truth.

But, in fact, they don't know that Xiao Xixi's condition is okay now. Once they know, she is in a vegetable state, with such a serious injury, how did this injury come about? Which hospital is Xiao Xixi in now? Those media and paparazzi will dig like locusts, and even the sanatorium is likely to be dug out by them all day long, and once the banker is involved, things will become more complicated, and all kinds of terrible rumors will fly in the sky... "

Ling Zhizhi said with a solemn expression, "Second Young Master's words are correct, and this is exactly what I'm worried about, so I came here today to discuss it with you."

Lu Jingli considered his words for a while, then looked at Lu Tingxiao and suggested, "Brother, let's deal with it coldly. We don't make any response here, and let time smooth this matter out. A high-ranking artist in the entertainment circle who suddenly retired and disappeared It's not impossible, it will indeed attract a lot of attention in a short period of time, but the public's attention is also limited, and after a long time, it will naturally be diverted by other things."

Ling Zhizhi nodded: "Yes, after a long time, we can't find the reason, so most people will think that Ning Xi has retired. No matter what personal reason they guess, the consequences will not be too serious."

After a while, Lu Tingxiao finally spoke and agreed with the two of them: "Do as you say."

Ling Zhizhi immediately nodded, "Okay."

The three discussed for a while based on the specific details.

Lu Jingli had been on his mind since just now, and when the discussion was almost done, he hesitated, looked at Lu Tingxiao and said, "Brother, actually... there is another way..."

Lu Tingxiao and Ling Zhizhi looked at Lu Jingli at the same time.

Lu Jingli reminded, "Have you forgotten about Su Yimo in the prison? Her face can almost be mistaken for the real one. If we hadn't caught her last time, everyone would have been fooled by her and used her to replace Ning Xi. For a period of time, as long as it is arranged properly, it will be completely fine."

Lin Zhizhi didn't speak when she heard the words, but frowned slightly. There was indeed nothing wrong with Lu Jingli's suggestion, but...

For a moment, Lu Jingli and Lin Zhizhi looked at the silent Lu Tingxiao, waiting for his decision.

Lu Tingxiao lowered his eyes, gently turned and stroked the ring between his fingers, and after a long time, he only said one sentence -

"She is irreplaceable."

The moment the man's voice just fell, Ling Zhizhi's heart was hit by this sentence.

Lu Jingli smiled lightly, and shrugged his shoulders knowingly, "Okay, okay, I knew you would say that, so I didn't mention this to you before."

As Lu Jingli said, he said solemnly, "You're right, she's irreplaceable."

[Good night, is the update over? The relevant content of the recording pen is in chapters 208~212. I am afraid that there will be too much repetition. Married, married! Why don't you vote to celebrate? Hehehe~ I know you guys want to say that Brother Xi hasn't woken up yet, so it would be nice not to send me the blade/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ But believe me, Brother Xi will come back as king! Here, I also wish all the candidates a triumphant return~]

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