Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1790 Signing Ceremony

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lei Ming's headache was about to explode. Ever since Ning Xi retired and Ling Zhizhi resigned, he was living in dire straits every day.

"Muye, it's not that I don't clarify, it really can't be clarified! The crew of the movie you and Han Zixuan filmed is strictly kept secret. If the movie was released in advance for clarification, what responsibility does Han Zixuan have? Nothing at all, it’s over if you don’t know why the photos are leaked, and we’ll be the ones to take the blame! This is Shen Mian’s play!”

In fact, Jiang Muye only made a cameo appearance in this play for Shen Mian's sake, and his role was very small.

The biggest beneficiary of this hype is Han Zixuan.

"The signing ceremony of "The World" will be held soon. If there is a big trouble, even the crew of "The World" will be implicated. Before the film is filmed, the hero and heroine will be at odds. What do people think?" Lei Ming racked his brains Advise.

After hearing that it would affect "The World", Jiang Muye finally changed his attitude slightly.

Lei Ming quickly took the opportunity to continue persuading, "When Director Shen's modern drama is officially announced, and "The World" is also launched, let's clarify at that time, then nothing will happen, just bear with it..."

Lei Ming's lips were almost worn out, so he finally escaped the disaster and stabilized Jiang Muye for the time being.



In a short period of time, the scandal between Jiang Muye and Han Zixuan really became more and more heated, and even the upcoming remake of "The World" was also stirred up.

After the adaptation of "The World", Sun Huanqing and Meng Changge, who were already super popular supporting roles in the movie, became the hero and heroine, which can be regarded as making up for the regret of a large number of fans of the original work, so it has attracted much attention.

Various related discussions on the Internet continue.

"Wow! Meng Changge, Han Zixuan, Sun Huanqing and Jiang Muye! I'm looking forward to this combination! It will definitely surpass the original version!"

"Of course, the two of them are a couple in reality, so it's better to act in their true colors!"

"It's so sad, the goddess really has a master! But why didn't they make it public? The two of them seem to have been rumored for a long time!"

"This kind of thing should be caused by the man's side, right? You know!"

"If it's true that the man doesn't want to make it public, then Jiang Muye's character is too bad, and he won't give him a name after dating for so long?"


On the same day, Emperor Capital Hotel.

The signing ceremony and press conference of "The World", which has received a lot of attention recently, was finally held.

Almost all the media came out in full force, the entire multi-purpose hall was full, and even the aisles were filled with reporters with long guns and short cannons.

Han Zixuan was wearing an iconic red dress, long black hair, which made her skin whiter than snow, and her exquisite and beautiful face. The moment she appeared, she caused a burst of amazement and murdered countless film rolls.

"Hello everyone!" Han Zixuan greeted all the media politely, and then sat down in front of the long table where her name tag was placed.

Director Guo Qisheng, assistant director Wang Linhai, producer Qin An, screenwriter Ye Linglong, Han Zixuan's agent Zheng Anru, etc. were sitting on the table. Then there were two leading actors, Han Zixuan and Jiang Muye.

Previously, Shangguan Yingrong and Chu Beichen and other characters in various dramas have been selected and hyped one after another. Some use newcomers, and some continue to use characters from the original movie.

What is left now is the two most watched starring lineups.

At this moment, several other people have arrived, only Jiang Muye and his manager have not arrived.

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