Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1795 No way! Wave up!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Besides, after waking up, she still has one most important thing to do!

During the period of time after she fell asleep, she regretted not doing it in advance.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and grabbed Lu Tingxiao's hand, her small face gleaming, "My dear, come with me, I found a place with a particularly beautiful scenery, especially suitable for romance, Let me take you to see it, okay?"

Lu Tingxiao had no doubts about him, and his tone was full of indulgence and indulgence, "Okay."

Lu Tingxiao put a coat on Ning Xi, and then the two walked towards the forest behind the lake.

Along the way, Ning Xi kept talking to Lu Tingxiao, no matter what she said, Lu Tingxiao listened attentively and responded seriously.

The further you go into the forest, the quieter it becomes and the better the scenery, and the palm of Ning Xi's hand holding Lu Tingxiao gradually began to sweat due to nervousness...

What the hell, I'm already an old hand at flirting with girls, why is she so cowardly at a critical moment?

No no no! Wave up!

The two wore flowers and brushed leaves, and walked through the forest full of vegetation. The sight in front of them suddenly widened, and there was a large sea of ​​flowers in front of them, forming layers of flower waves under the spring breeze...

She discovered this place when she was looking at it from the window, and she stepped on it when she sneaked out of the house just now.

Seeing such a large sea of ​​flowers suddenly, a hint of amazement appeared on Lu Tingxiao's face.

Although he has lived here for more than a month, he has never set foot in other places except for the small garden building where she is there.

"Dear, isn't it beautiful?"

Lu Tingxiao looked at the sea of ​​flowers and mountains reflected in the girl's eyes, "Yeah."

Ning Xi raised her head and looked at the man in front of her, "Lu Tingxiao..."

Ning Xi had never called his name so seriously before, and Lu Tingxiao's expression tensed up as he quietly looked at her, waiting for her next words.

Ning Xi took a deep breath, and then said, "Before I met you, I just lived to survive, to fulfill my dreams, to fulfill my dreams, as for what I should do after everything is done, what else is there in my life?" I never thought about the meaning of continuing, even if I die at this moment, I probably don't have any regrets or memories."

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiao's eyes narrowed slightly.

Ning Xi smiled lightly, fixed her eyes on the man in front of her, and continued, "But when I met you and Xiaobao, it was the first time I knew what it felt like to be needed by others, and the first time I knew how to be treated like the whole world. This is the first time I know that I can be vulnerable, I can be willful, I can just be myself, I can love and live like ordinary people..."

The girl tiptoed and kissed the corner of the man's lips, "Lu Tingxiao, being the only one in your heart is not as good as being the only one in your heart. You are the most beautiful and warmest encounter in my life...

"Lu Tingxiao...let's...get married..."

The sea of ​​flowers rolled up and down in the wind, butterflies fluttered all over the mountain, Lu Tingxiao's sanity seemed to be shaken out of the sky in an instant, and he stood there rigidly, being kissed by the girl, motionless, losing everything ability to respond.

What did he... hear?

The man didn't respond for a long time. No matter how profound his knowledge was, Ning Xi couldn't hold it anymore. His palms were sweating, "You haven't told me your answer yet."

After an unknown amount of time, the man finally recovered from the ecstasy that almost swallowed him whole, and replied in a trembling voice: "Madam, I'm afraid... I can't do it..."

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