Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1797 Madam said yes

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Sorry, without your consent..."

Just as Lu Tingxiao was about to say sorry, he made a decision without her consent.

As a result, the next second, I saw the girl staring at the ring on her hand, her eyes glowing in amazement, "I'm going! My luck is too bad! You have been asking for marriage for a long time, but you are already mine!" ?”

Lu Tingxiao smiled helplessly. This girl's brain circuit will always be different from ordinary people's.

"But I was almost scared to death by you, I really thought you were married to another woman!" Ning Xi grumbled and complained.

Lu Tingxiao quietly looked at the girl in front of him, "If I really married another woman, what would you do?"

Hearing this question, Ning Xi raised her brows immediately, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, "How is it possible, I'm so kind, cute and well-behaved, you'd only marry another woman if your mind was trapped by the door!"

The corners of Lu Tingxiao's mouth curled up slightly, and a low-pitched chuckle came out of his chest, "Yes, Ma'am said so."

When Ning Xi heard Lu Tingxiao's "Ma'am", the softest part of her heart suddenly went numb, and she happily rushed over to hug him, "I like it when you call me Ma'am, call me again..."

Lu Tingxiao coughed lightly, his expression slightly unnatural, "Ma'am."

Ning Xi was finally satisfied, but soon thought of a very important question, and asked seriously, "Is there anything else I don't know?"

"A lot of things did happen while you were in a coma," Lu Tingxiao said.

Because he was afraid that she would be confused if she received too much information at once when she woke up, so he didn't indoctrinate her too much at once.

Ning Xi immediately urged, "What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

The two walked back slowly while talking.

"There's also something about the dealer."

"The dealer? What happened to the dealer?" Ning Xi was puzzled.

"In the beginning, your recuperation place was not here, but the nursing home of the Imperial Capital Military Region. Later, I was afraid that you would get tired of living here, so I changed to this place. I hope it will help your condition," Lu Tingxiao replied.

"I was able to enter the sanatorium in the district because of the help of the dealer?" Ning Xi asked.

"Well, all the people at the dealer's side already know your identity and have already regarded you as a relative. They have been helping to take care of you and trying to wake you up this year."

"Ah..." Ning Xi was a little surprised when she heard the words, "You even know about Ke'er and Rong Guang?"

"Yes." Lu Tingxiao nodded, and didn't say much about the conflict on the dealer's side in the beginning, so as not to worry her, "So, the outside world needs to keep the matter of your waking up a secret for the time being, but the dealer still needs to inform you. Jingli went to inform."

"Yeah, that's natural!" Ning Xi nodded hurriedly.

Ning Xi was waiting for Lu Tingxiao to continue, but found that Lu Tingxiao did not speak again, so she thought about her words and asked, "I heard from Jingli and Xiaobao that your father's health has not been very good these days?"

Lu Tingxiao was silent for a moment, then nodded, "The situation is not very optimistic, and we are currently relying on medicine to barely survive. You saved Xiaobao, my parents are very grateful to you, and I have always been sorry for you."

Other than that, Lu Tingxiao didn't say anything more.

When the two reached the door, they happened to meet Lu Jingli who got out of the car and was walking towards the yard.

When Lu Jingli saw the two of them, he ran over panting, "Brother, the dealer has already notified them, and the parents also know about it!"

After Lu Jingli finished speaking, he glanced at Ning Xi and said hesitantly, "Well, Dad said...wanted to see did Mom... said she wanted to give sister-in-law..."

[Good night, is the update over? PS: The group numbers and joining methods of the ordinary group and the VIP reader group have been posted on the top of the comment area of ​​QQ reading. You can check it yourself. 】

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