Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 180 Never Regret

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xueluo glanced at the latest headlines on her mobile phone, and saw that the screen was full of "Ning Xi uttered wild words", "Ning Xi is suspected of being adopted", "Ning Xi refuses to plead guilty and will not repent", so she felt relieved: " Alright, you stabilize the public opinion, and there must be no more problems!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door of "dong dong dong".

Ning Xueluo immediately winked at Chang Li nervously.

Chang Li hurriedly cleaned up the smashed desk lamp, covered the TV with a dust cloth, and then opened the door.

Outside the door, Su Yan was surprised to see Chang Li appearing in Ning Xueluo's ward at this time, "Are you talking about something?"

"I just discussed something with Sister Chang about work, and we've finished talking. Brother Yan, why are you here so late?" Ning Xueluo changed the subject.

"Then you guys talk, I'll leave first!" Chang Li said goodbye, and met Ning Xueluo's eyes before leaving.

Su Yan didn't notice the interaction between the two of them, pinching the space between his eyebrows, his face looked a little gloomy.

Ning Xueluo looked at him and asked tentatively, "Is it because of Ning Xi?"

Su Yan didn't speak.

Ning Xueluo bit her lip, her body trembling slightly, "Brother Yan, are you blaming me? Blame me for pushing Ning Xi to this point?"

Su Yan sighed, "You, you just love to think wildly. It was her fault in the first place. How could I blame you? I just... blame myself... It's because I didn't deal with all this well that I let her go to where she is today." This level..."

"I didn't expect that she would rather sell her body than apologize to me...Why does she hate me so much? What should I do to calm her down? Do I really have to leave you?" Ning Xueluo Face full of pain.

Su Yan's face immediately changed, and he said with a serious expression: "Xueluo, you are not allowed to say such things. We finally got together. Are you going to give up because of this?"

Ning Xueluo hurriedly snuggled into his arms, with a panicked expression, "I'm sorry, I won't be anymore, I'm just afraid that you will regret it, regret being with me..."

Su Yan was stunned, and then said firmly, "I have never regretted it."

The two were talking when the knock on the door rang again.

Su Yan went to open the door, and unexpectedly saw Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu, "Uncle and aunt..."

"Dad, Mom... why are you here?" Ning Xueluo showed surprise, and hurriedly got out of bed to meet them.

Zhuang Lingyu pressed her shoulders, "Don't move, you are hurt, lie down well. We have nothing to do, we just came to see you!"

Ning Yaohua's face was dark: "Xueluo, don't worry, I'm here to tell you, I will definitely seek justice for you in this matter, even if I tie her up, I will tie her up to apologize to you!"

Ning Xueluo's eyes were moist, "Thank you, Mom and Dad. Actually, I don't care. I just hope that my sister can find her way back. Her appearance like this will ruin my whole life!"

Zhuang Lingyu's face was extremely ugly, "I didn't expect her to do such a shameless thing, what kind of evil did our Ning family do! If we had known that we shouldn't have brought her back in the first place, it was enough for us to have Xueluo, The old man insisted on not listening, now it's all right..."

Ning Yaohua looked irritable, "Okay, stop shouting, I will take care of this matter. Also, don't let the old man know about this!"

Now is the critical period for him to compete with his second child for the right to inherit.

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