Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1808 How to coax people?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of the bar, there is an empty and desolate studio.

A dimly lit room without a ray of light.

The young man hugged his knees and curled up in the corner of the wall motionless, his hair and body were covered with a white mist of cobwebs.

At the young man's hand was a mobile phone that had run out of power. The manuscripts, ink, paper and pens were scattered all over the room, and the wind blew through the window.

When Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao arrived at Zeling's studio, the lights were not turned on in the entire studio, it was pitch black, not even a single human voice.

"Is Aze here?" Ning Xi asked uncertainly.

The place felt almost as if it had been uninhabited for years.

Later, Zeling moved to a big company after it became bigger. Only Gong Shangze was still used to creating here, saying that it was only here that he got inspiration, and Ning Xi didn't force it. Could it be that he is still here after a year?

"According to the assistant, he locked himself here 24 hours a day," Lu Tingxiao replied.

Ning Xi frowned upon hearing this.

With a "squeak", Lu Tingxiao protected Ning Xi and went inside, then stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the design room.

Fumbling and pressing the switch next to him, the light bulb above his head flickered a few times, emitting a faint light.

The moment she saw the room clearly, Ning Xi's pupils suddenly shrank.

The room is full of manuscripts, just from the manuscripts that were abandoned in the middle of the drawing, from the messy lines, scratches on the paper cups, it can be seen how painful the owner is struggling.

And in a corner of the room, the boy was curled up in a dark corner, his body motionless, as if he had died along with the whole house.

Before coming, Ning Xi had already prepared that Gong Shangze's situation might not be good, but she never thought that what she would see after coming would be such a heart-wrenching scene.

Even when she scissored him on the streets of Los Angeles back then, even though he was a disheveled beggar, he would still talk about the clothes on her, but the person in front of her seemed to have been cruelly taken away from all his talents. From the proud son of heaven to a worthless mortal...

Like a child who was abandoned by God and lost all faith...

The young man didn't realize that someone was coming, and Ning Xi didn't even know if he was still awake.

I don't know how long it took before Ning Xi finally recovered from the anxiety of this scene, took a deep breath, and walked up to the young man step by step.

Ning Xi knelt down slowly, stretched out her hand, and carefully brushed away the cobwebs on the young man's hair, as if afraid of disturbing him, she called out in a very soft voice, "Aze..."

The moment Ning Xi's voice sounded, the young man's motionless body trembled very slightly, as if the depths of his soul had encountered a stormy sea.

"Aze... I'm back..."

The young man raised his head buried on his knees mechanically, staring at Ning Xi with his numb and empty eyes in the darkness like a deep pool of silence.

In the next second, the young man covered his eyes with his arms.

Then Ning Xi saw that big tears fell on the manuscript on the floor, blurring the colors and lines full of pain...

The young man didn't say anything, he didn't even make a sound, he just covered his eyes with his arms and kept crying.

Ning Xi had never seen a big man cry like this before, and never knew that a big man could have so many teary eyes. Seeing that she made people cry when she came, she panicked and turned her head helplessly. Glancing at Lu Tingxiao, "Uh, sweetheart...what should I do?"

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