Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1822 This has nothing to do with physical strength

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi seemed to have guessed Liang Feixing's question, and said slowly, "After I retired, I seem to have caused a lot of trouble for everyone, and I just learned about Jiang Muye's matter recently, after all, it was all because of me."

"No, no, it has nothing to do with you. It's all because some people are stupid!" Liang Feixing said hastily.

He never imagined that, at the end of the prosperous age and being abandoned by the group, Ning Xi would suddenly appear and offered to come back.

Ning Xi's comeback was not just a simple comeback, she also represented the big boss and the Lu Group.

"Miss Boss, you don't know. A few days ago, I told Lao Xu and the others that it would be great if you could come back! Mistress Boss, are you sure you really want to come back? Then who are you planning to do when you come back this time?" Your manager? Shall we bring Lin Zhizhi back?" Liang Feixing asked a series of questions.

"Sister Zhizhi has something to do at home, don't bother her, just Brother Tao." Ning Xi said.

"Old Xu? Boss, are you sure? Damn! That guy will be crazy if he finds out!"

Liang Feixing was excited, but suddenly his expression froze, and then he glanced in the direction of a wife-protecting madman next to him with great scruples, "Then, Mr. Boss...does he agree with your comeback?"

Ning Xi hugged Lu Tingxiao's arm, "Well, my sweetheart has agreed, as long as I don't get too tired, I'm not in a good physical condition right now."

"Huh? Ma'am, are you pregnant?" Liang Feixing stared at Ning Xi's stomach with widened eyes.

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched immediately, "I was seriously ill before, and I'm recuperating..."

"Oh oh so that's the case! Boss, lady boss, you can rest assured about the workload, lady boss, you can move your little finger to make their thighs thick, so why do you need to spend so much effort! You are coming back this time with a little Let's go to recover the country and sweep the world!"

Ning Xi laughed, "Director Liang, you have too much confidence in me."

"Ma'am, what I said is absolutely true! By the way, when will we start work?" Liang Feixing asked impatiently.

Ning Xi thought for a while, "The sooner the better, let's go tomorrow, take me to find brother Tao first."

"no problem!"


Quiet night.

Ning Xi kissed the baby who was put to sleep, and then went around to sleep next to Lu Tingxiao, clinging to someone's arms and smoothing her hair, "My dear, don't worry, I really will Properly, I will definitely not let myself get tired! My body has recovered more than half of it now!"

Originally, she planned to rest for a few more days, but she worried that the longer the matter dragged on, the worse it would be for Jiang Muye, so she wanted to solve it as soon as possible.

Lu Tingxiao didn't speak, but Ning Xi kept rubbing and kissing stickily. In the end, the man couldn't bear it anymore, "I've mostly recovered? Huh?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the troubled girl from the bed and went to the next room.

Ning Xi felt her body suddenly hang in the air, and then gently fall down on the soft quilt.

Under the moonlight, there was a fire in the eyes of the man in front of her. The fire was getting closer and closer, and suddenly burned her together with the hot temperature on his lips...


Is she finally going to complete the wedding ceremony that has been dragging on till now?

The entangled tongue and the deeper and deeper kisses seemed to suck her soul away together. Ning Xi's chest's lust made Ning Xi's body tremble, and her pink toes curled up.

It was just a moment of foreplay, and Ning Xi already felt like a fish short of water on a dry embankment, and her breathing began to be difficult.

I don't know how long it took before the man finally left her lips, with a depressive look on his face, "Are you sure you're physically strong now? Huh?"

Ning Xi stuck her head in the man's arms, and scratched her paw unwillingly, "How can this be the same! It has nothing to do with physical strength, okay? Even if you smile at me, my heart will beat a hundred and eight, let alone You treat me this way and that..."

Lu Tingxiao was stunned for a moment, he couldn't laugh or cry because of the sudden flattery, "Where's the nonsense..."

"This is the truth!"

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