Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1834 Explosions keep coming

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The next day, the Imperial Capital International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The organizer has a lot of money, and in order to shame Yixue's previous press conference, this publicity event was arranged in a big way in the main exhibition hall that can accommodate 2,000 people. As soon as the news was announced a week ago, the tickets were already sold out. The media from all walks of life squeezed their heads even more in order to get an interview seat.

"How about it, what does Shengshi say?"

Backstage, Wang Haojun, the general manager of Xinghui Entertainment, asked the public relations executives beside him with a gloomy expression.

"I've already warned them. Sheng Shi sent a message back, saying that he will give us a satisfactory explanation today." The other party replied proudly.

Wang Haojun had an expected expression when he heard the words, and snorted coldly, "I knew it. I thought I had a lot of backbone. Didn't I have to bow my head in the end? If it weren't for the popularity and topicality of that kid, I would directly Replace them all with Xinghui's artists, and let them take advantage of it!"

"President Wang is right!" His subordinates echoed again and again.

When "The World" was filming, Xinghui Entertainment did not get any benefits because they withdrew their capital midway. This time they have been eyeing this piece of fat for a long time, and finally seized the opportunity to win the remake rights, and became the biggest investor.

"There is one more thing to confirm with President Wang. Are you sure that Vice President Ning will attend this time?" the subordinate asked.

Wang Haojun said with a calculated face, "Vice President Ning's finale appearance is not only as the heroine of the original version, but also as an important investor in this drama."

It's been so long since what happened back then, not to mention that Ning Xi has already retired, this is the best chance for Xueluo to reappear in front of the public.


"Zixuan, did you see that? Everyone outside here is here for you!" At this moment, Zheng Anru looked at the dark fans and crowd in front of her from the backstage, her dark eyes were full of excitement and ambition.

When Han Zixuan heard that she was playing with a strand of hair by her ear, she felt a little dispirited. All of this was just a matter of course, so what's there to get excited about?

"I've inquired about it. As long as Shen Mian's film is successfully sent to the exhibition, the possibility of winning an award is more than 80%. In addition, in the future, the TV series "The World" will make you popular, and you will be unbeatable in the entertainment industry. Transcendence exists, no one will dare to mention the name Ning Xi in front of you in the future, and even if you mention it, it's just asking for humiliation..."

It wasn't until hearing this sentence that Han Zixuan's eyes moved slightly, and her brows relaxed a lot.

Zheng Anru immediately knew that she was being flattered, and continued to say what she wanted to hear, "That damned Jiang Muye, we kindly brought him along for the publicity, but he didn't want to drink a toast, Zixuan, don't worry, today He will apologize to you in public!"


At the same time, the front desk has begun preparations in full swing.

Two hosts, one male and one female, spoke the opening remarks enthusiastically. They were in the heat of the show, and on the big screen behind them were the beautiful photos of the new version of the characters and the clips with excellent special effects.

The fans at the scene screamed excitedly from time to time, calling for a visual feast.

"Next, let's invite the main creators of our "Under Heaven" crew to come on stage!"

"Please! Everyone is welcome!"


The male and female hosts introduced and interviewed the main creators of the crew one by one, and interacted with the fans at the scene.

And this is just an appetizer, and they will continue to explode in the future.

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