Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1842 The Final Blow

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

This useless thing! waste!

The professional martial arts stand-in she hired with a high salary actually lost to a woman on the spot?

After the staff member received Zheng Anru's fierce gaze, his body trembled subconsciously. The next second, a glint of sinister flashed in the man's eyes, and he suddenly picked up the spear that had fallen by his feet, and rushed towards the man unexpectedly. The unsuspecting Ning Xi attacked and left——


At this very second, the long spear in Ning Xi's hand came out with lightning speed, brushed the opponent's neck, and after a loud bang, it stabbed into the wall behind the opponent.

On the large screen that enlarged the picture, the long gun cut off the broken hair by the man's ear, the tip of the gun sank into the wall, and was inserted straight there, while the martial arts actor's body was stiff, and the extremely terrified expression on his face was magnified in this way. on the screen, forming a huge visual impact...


"Accepted." Ning Xi casually handed over the spear in her hand to the staff on the side, and slowly sat down again.

There is no warm red dress, no heroic makeup, and even she is wearing a gentle cheongsam with her hair in a bun, but no one suspects that the soul in her body at that moment is Meng Changge!

Even if that person was disarmed and returned to the field one day, even if that person's body turned into decay, she would still be Meng Changge! ! !

"Long song! Long song! Long song—" the old fans at the scene shouted excitedly one after another, their expressions were beyond words.

"Ning Xi, are you okay?" Xu Tao asked Ning Xi nervously like an old mother the moment Ning Xi came back.

"It's okay." Ning Xi shook her head, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead, and her wrist also felt swollen and painful, but luckily it didn't last long, so there was no serious problem.

At this moment, looking at the reaction at the scene, Zheng Anru was pinching his fingers, his face pale...



Originally, she planned to ruin Ning Xi's image in the hearts of fans, but it turned out that she was insurmountable...

It's like digging a hole and burying yourself!


This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!

Once this impression is given to fans, everything will be over!

"Senior is worthy of being a senior. It really is not old. Our Zixuan is young, so it seems that we are still too young!" Zheng Anru applauded with a smile on his face, but deliberately emphasized the old words to highlight Han Zixuan's youth.

In fact, Han Zixuan's age was only about the same age as Ning Xi's.

When Zheng Anru said this, he glanced at the excited fans present with a half-smile, and then said slowly, "It's really surprising that Senior Ning Xi was able to attend today, but it should be more of an accident, right?

After all, senior Ning Xi retired a year ago, your fans were very sad back then!

After being away for more than a year, senior suddenly reappeared today. Is there nothing I want to explain to your fans? "

Zheng Anru sneered, provoking every sentence, no doubt trying to arouse the hatred of the fans and the conflicts between Ning Xi and the fans in this long year.

Stupid fans, have you forgotten how cruel this woman was back then, how she disappeared irresponsibly without making a sound?

This kind of it really worth your continued liking?

Accompanied by Zheng Anru's words, the fans who were excitedly cheering just now fell silent in an instant.

Most of the fans who came today were fans of Han Zixuan and Jiang Muye.

And almost all of Han Zixuan's fans and some of Jiang Muye's fans were Ning Xi's loyal fans back then...

On the stage, Ning Xi sat there quietly, silent for a long time.

Xu Tao's heart tightened suddenly, the thing he was most worried about happened...

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