Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 185 Sweet nickname

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Tingxiao's hand twisted for some unknown reason, and then he saw that person turned sideways in a circle and was thrown flying out. He fell to the ground like a torn sack, motionless...

It was probably because Lu Tingxiao's attack was so brutal that the other three all looked at each other and retreated subconsciously.

"All right?" When he turned to Ning Xi, Lu Tingxiao's eyes still had a little hostility.

Ning Xi nodded blankly, "I'm fine..."

She had never seen Lu Tingxiao make a move, and most of the time she even thought that Lu Tingxiao was gentle and refined, but she never expected his skill to be so...amazing...

At this time, a black Ferrari slowly pulled over, and a person stepped out of the car.

It is Ning Yaohua in a Giorgio Arman high-end suit.

Ning Yaohua looked at the man next to Ning Xi with eyes looking at trash, and then looked contemptuously at the car parked downstairs in the apartment building, "Ning Xi, this is the man you've been hanging out with all these days? Drive a broken car worth hundreds of thousands!"

Ning Xi was so angry that she almost laughed, "For you, the standard to judge a man is how much money he drives?"

According to what he said, he didn't care about her being raised, but whether the person who raised her was powerful enough?

Wouldn't it be more noble for her to be taken care of by someone who drives a Bentley?

"If you don't look at the car, do you still look at the face? I thought you found someone who is sacred! You actually found a half-baked boy! It's getting better and better!" Ning Yaohua cursed.

Although this man looks good, but driving this kind of car, at most he is just a small boss of a small broken company.

Ning Xi: "..."

He actually said that Lu Tingxiao was a jerk...

After Ning Yaohua scolded Ning Xi, he looked at Lu Tingxiao domineeringly, "Who are you! Do you know who she is? Even my Ning Yaohua's daughter dares to play with her! Believe it or not, I won't let you get along in the emperor!"

Ning Xi: "..."

Lu Tingxiao cherishes words like gold in front of outsiders, but now he is even more condescending when facing Ning Yaohua, without even giving him a straight look.

Ning Yaohua wanted to continue humiliating the other party, but for some reason, his heart felt inexplicable chills, and he was suddenly speechless.

Why does a small local boss have such an aura...

Hmph, his ineffective daughter must have been deceived by his pretense!

"Ning Xi, what I said last night is still valid, it's still too late for you to choose to go back with me!" Ning Yaohua said in a benevolent tone.

Ning Xi curled the corners of her lips, and hugged Lu Tingxiao's arm affectionately, "Sorry, I chose my little boy! You should go where you came from!"

"Ning Xi! You will regret it!" Seeing the two leave arm in arm, Ning Yaohua was furious, and then told the bodyguard beside him with a gloomy expression, "Follow them!"

There were too many things that surprised him today. One was Ning Xi's skill. In his impression, his daughter was so weak that she couldn't hold her back.

In addition, it is the identity of this man.

He always felt that something was wrong...

back to the car.

Ning Xi immediately scratched her head and apologized to Lu Tingxiao, "I'm sorry! You got scolded for inexplicably..."

"It's okay." Although he was scolded, Lu Tingxiao was not angry at all at the moment.

The reason, of course, was because of Ning Xi's last hug, and even the word "little boy", because she added the attributive "my family" in front of it, and it became a sweet nickname.

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