Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1872 It's really amazing

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Night, Hsitory company building.

On the way home, Ning Xueluo was called by the company.

Just as he left Mrs. Li's party in a distraught state, another bad news came from the company.

After being silent for a whole year, Ze Ling, who had been suppressed by them to the point that he had almost disappeared from the Huaguofeng market, became a hit just because of the plain white cheongsam that Ning Xi wore at the "Tianxia" promotional ceremony.

What's more troublesome is that, taking advantage of this shareholder wind, Zeling officially announced a batch of new models that are about to be launched without warning, and this set is almost sold out at the pre-order stage.

"Back to the basics! It's obvious that Jiang Lang can't do design at all! How do you sell this rags with no bright spots and characteristics?" The deputy director of design cursed angrily.

"Is it because of the celebrity effect? ​​Wouldn't the completely white cheongsam that Ning Xi wore that day be even more unremarkable, but her outfit..."

The designer who spoke seemed to want to say "It's really amazing", but when he caught a glimpse of Dai Wei from the corner of his eye, the conversation suddenly changed, "It's just so-so! I think it's all hype!"

One of the younger male designers said weakly, "Actually, I's because everyone is tired of the previous Chinese style with bright colors and too many decorations, so the back-to-basics will suddenly explode fire……"

In the conference room, the atmosphere was stagnant and silent for a moment.

Immediately, someone said, "If they can do it, so can we! Zeling's crappy design can be popular, not to mention we have Boss Dai! Don't they have an advantage?"

With a sullen face, Dai Wei glanced coldly at the person who spoke, "You mean to let me follow the wind?"

The person who spoke froze immediately, and quickly said, "Of course I didn't mean that... Boss Dai, you have always been a unique pioneer in the industry. You have always been imitated and never surpassed. There is no need to follow others!

I mean, that guy's design sucks, this time it's all purely opportunistic, and we can ignore it. His style, everyone will be fresh for a while, it will definitely not last for a long time! "

"That's right, isn't it the same as before? That guy won't last long!" Others echoed.

Dai Wei's complexion still hasn't completely eased. Although the problem is not serious this time, it still makes him very upset.

On the first seat, Ning Xueluo's face was also very gloomy, "Although it's not a serious problem, it can't be taken lightly and let it go like this. You must come up with a solution for me today, and I won't allow any accidents in History!"

There have been enough things that have troubled her recently!

Ning Xi's appearance was like a curse, one thing after another...

Ning Xueluo pinched the pen in her hand, looking at the night outside the window, the bone-chilling chill flashed across her eyes.

She could almost imagine how Zheng Minjun's attitude would change in the future, and even worse.

It took a whole year of hard work to stabilize the position in the Su family, but at today's party, it was completely ruined.

When Dai Wei heard this, he glanced sullenly in the direction of the deputy director of design.

After receiving the hint, the deputy director pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Dai Wei and said, "Boss, what you said is wrong, how can you follow the trend! You have discovered the luxury trend as early as a month ago." The market is saturated, ready to change the style, and even the design drawings are almost finished, but because they are not fully completed, they have not been announced to everyone. Who knows, they will be preempted by those garbage designs that have not been driven out in a few days. !"

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