Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1874 Remarried to the Real Phoenix

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Xueluo spent so much effort to get two invitation letters, and after she went, she couldn't even say a few words. It was hard to get a good word from someone. I don't know how much effort it took, but once Ning Xi went... because of a little When things don't go well, Meng Linlang is furious and supports her. Everyone present is afraid of offending her, even Madam Li treats her with care..."

Zheng Minjun didn't talk about the specific situation at the time or what he said wrongly, his tone was full of remorse that what should have been his was taken away.

"Are you telling the truth?" Su Hongguang looked shocked.

"It can be fake! I think it's true! And I saw that many wives were very interested in Ning Xi!" Zheng Minjun began to panic again, "Actually, we should have discovered it back then. We were too careless. Already!"

Su Hongguang's face was also a bit dignified. After a long silence, he said, "Don't mention the past. What happens to Ning Xi now has nothing to do with us."

"How can it be okay! Su Yan of our family should have married a lady from a real family! If Su Yan had married Ning Xi back then, why would it be so difficult to take another step forward now?

The Qi family has been under the pressure of our Su family before, and because their son married Minister Qin's daughter, all of a sudden the tide rose. Do you know how I feel every time I see Mrs. Qi's villainous face? "

Hearing his wife's endless complaints, Su Hongguang pinched his brows helplessly.

"How could I not know this truth, but now things have become like this. At first we thought that Ning Xi would not be able to stand on the stage, and we chose Xueluo even though we knew the truth. Now we want to change, Su Yan and Xueluo We have been married for more than a year, how can it be so easy?"

Zheng Minjun looked angry, "How can we blame us? It's not that the Ning family lied to us first. Even if we let Su Yan divorce Xueluo and marry another, that's justified!"

"Do you know that with Ning Xi's current status, she would still be willing to marry into our Su family? Don't mess around here with wishful thinking, and it will make the family restless!" He didn't want to have an in-law like the dealer, but it was a very real problem. Putting it here, the Ning Xi of today is different from the past.

Zheng Minjun listened to her husband's voice, and immediately said in a proud tone, "I'm sure of this. Have you forgotten how much that girl liked Su Yan back then? With Su Yan's appearance and character, we can learn it. Isn't she a hundred times better than those high-ranking officials' sons and young masters? Even if the girl has the backing of the dealer, she is still not as good as the lady of the decent family. If I go to show you a little favor, how can she not be willing?"

Su Hongguang's attitude has been shaken, but he still cautiously said, "This matter should be discussed later."


the next day.

Ning Xi had a leisurely day's rest here, but the media, fans, all entertainment companies, and even the entire entertainment circle, were completely blown up in just one day.

All of them were entertainment headlines that suddenly appeared in the promotional activities of "The World" after Ning Xi disappeared for more than a year.


Su Yan returned home from a busy business trip, got off the plane, and was on the phone with the driver who came to pick him up. When he looked up accidentally, he saw the big screen in the middle of the airport from the corner of his eye, and saw the girl singing with red eyes on the screen. People are struck by lightning...

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