Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1876 The result is no suspense

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"It's just that she is a remnant, and she still wants to come back? She still wants to suppress you? It's just whimsical! Be a stepping stone obediently! So what if the vixen can confuse fans again? If we can grab it once, we can grab it a second time! Don't worry, Fans will definitely return to your arms, and will be more sincere to you after this time!" Zheng Anru said with a tone of experience, with a confident face.

Han Zixuan didn't take Ning Xi seriously at first, but when she saw that the wind on the Internet had completely turned to their side, her expression had already relaxed, and she said casually, "Let's take some time to get some fan benefits!"

"Don't worry, I've been preparing for it for a long time. It just so happens that this year's selection of the most popular male and female stars in the entertainment industry is about to start. Let's take advantage of this momentum and let Ning Xi open his eyes to see clearly. Who owns the current entertainment circle!"

Han Zixuan didn't take it seriously when she heard the words, "Is there anything I need to prepare for? I need to fight with her?"

"Of course not, there is no suspense in the result, we are completely crushed!"


deer town.

Looking at the more and more ugly words on the Internet, as well as all kinds of dirty water poured over, Liang Feixing turned around anxiously.

If you can't give the fans a satisfactory explanation, then everything will be in vain, and every step of Ning Xi's future will be as difficult as ever.

As soon as the label of "retirement" was put off, Ning Xi would have no room to turn around.

In the small garden, Liang Feixing was pacing back and forth anxiously, "Depression? Studying abroad? Changing careers? Even if it's marriage... No matter what the reason is, it can't explain the fact that you, the lady boss, have been silent for a whole year. You don’t even have to speak out to explain it to your fans!”

He is too clear that if there is no reason enough to block the mouths of Youyou, then there will definitely be endless troubles.

Liang Feixing sighed, and carefully looked at Ning Xi who was sitting on the rattan chair.

In fact, the reason why Ning Xi retired, and why he retired so thoroughly, is that even he still doesn't know.

It is now said on the Internet that Ning Xi left without saying a word because of a guilty conscience, and even questioned that she has a cold temper and doesn't care about fans at all, otherwise why do so many people worry about her and just don't show up...

Apart from Ning Xi, Jiang Muye is also here at this moment. Apart from taking a shower, this guy still dresses and has the same hair as an old man. He doesn't pay attention to his image. As long as he doesn't make any troubles.

Jiang Muye turned his head and glanced at Ning Xi, only to see that the girl was contemplating something, with a troubled expression on her face.

Seeing this, Jiang Muye propped his chin and muttered, "Why are you worrying so much? Let's just tell the truth to the fans! You've been lying in bed for a whole year, why did you appear, how did you show up, and how did you talk?"

"What... what!" Liang Feixing was so shocked that he almost jumped up when he heard this, "Ning... Ning Xi, you have been lying in a vegetable state for a year!?"

Although he had already guessed that Ning Xi might be due to physical reasons, he never expected that the situation would be so serious. Moreover, given Ning Xi's relationship with the boss, there may be many things involved in the inside story...

This is probably why the real reason for Ning Xi's retirement was not announced at the beginning.

Just when countless thoughts flashed through Liang Feixing's mind, there was a sound of steady footsteps behind him.

Liang Feixing immediately turned around with a solemn expression, "BOSS!"

Lu Tingxiao handed a document bag to him, and only said, "Go and publish."

"This is..." Liang Feixing took it hesitantly.

When I opened it, I immediately looked overjoyed, "The treatment records and diagnosis certificates from the Imperial Capital Military Hospital! With this, there is no problem at all!"

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