Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1882 They Abandoned Her

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Accompanied by Xu Tao's words, needles could be heard on the scene.

Xu Tao took a deep breath and continued, "However, as time passed day by day, Ning Xi... never woke up...

At that time, Ning Xi's "Mother" and "Nine Heavens" were released successively... She is so hot... We have never been like that at that time... I hope she is not so popular... That way... we can do more for her Buy some time...even if it's just a day...

However... In the end... We worked hard for so long... Finally, we got the worst result...

Three months, three full months, Ning Xi still couldn't wake up...

At that time, the doctor said that after three months, based on her condition, it is equivalent to the possibility of not waking up..."

Xu Tao continued to narrate everything in detail to everyone, even every detail, so that everyone could truly feel their despair and sadness.

Xu Tao's expression was somewhat sarcastic, "You all know what happened afterwards, from the fan riots to Ning Xi being completely forgotten, it was only a short period of one year..."

"We never announced the truth about Ning Xi's retirement. For this, we need to solemnly apologize to every fan who cares about Ning Xi!"

Having said that, Xu Tao changed the subject again, and said firmly, "However, even if we are given another chance, even if we know the consequences of doing so, we will still choose to do so!

Because, once it is announced, what Ning Xi will face is endless harassment from media reporters and constant troubles! Even if she turned into a vegetative state and lay on the bed, she couldn't rest for a moment! "

Hearing this, none of the reporters present spoke.

Even they have to admit that if Shengshi really announced the real situation of Ning Xi back then, they would definitely search all the hospitals to find Ning Xi and get first-hand information about Ning Xi. There are opportunistic reporters watching, wanting to make big news.

Listening to Xu Tao's words, Ning Xi's fingers clenched slightly.

Xu Tao talked about many things, even she didn't know about it.

Although Xu Tao heard everything he knew from Jiang Muye and the others, he was just a middleman recounting the events of the year, but he brought her back to the scene in an instant. What happened when she was in a coma...

Speaking of this, Xu Tao glanced at Ning Xi beside him, "We have apologized to Ning Xi for the misunderstanding caused by our handling methods. But at that time, Ning Xi replied that if it was her, I would choose not to say anything."

Hearing Xu Tao's words, there was a little commotion in the scene and in the live broadcast room.

Xu Tao paused for a moment, sighed softly, and continued, "She said, Ning Xi, rather than letting you hold on to a tiny hope...and waiting for the unknown's let you completely forget about her..."

Sometimes the truth is worse than forgotten.

It turns out that this is the true meaning of Xu Tao's Weibo...

The moment Xu Tao's voice fell, at this moment, all the fans who were guarding the live broadcast room everywhere burst into tears...

The original has always been...

It's all their misunderstanding...

It turns out that from the beginning to the present...

It's not that brother Xi abandoned them, but that they abandoned her...

[Good morning~ The eighth update is over~ I have made up what I owed~ I got home very late yesterday, and I was planning to make up the update today. I was afraid that you would have to wait, so I wrote it overnight/(ㄒoㄒ)/~ I hope everyone will read it Happy writing, the author is going to catch up on sleep~]

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